Chapter 4

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Same shit different day. I got to school and went straight to my locker to find Jade and her wanna-bees leaning against it, I sighed and said to her, "Don't you have anything better to do?" Her lip curled up in an unattractive snarl, "No, it's fun talking to you Kate." she moved away from my locker so I could get my books. How nice of her.
"That's kind of sad" I laughed and she looked as if I slapped her then got herself together like a cat unpuffing itself and hissed, "You're kind of pathetic, no one will ever like you."
"Too bad" I pouted at her, "I don't care, plus you're the one who said it's fun talking to me. What does that say about you?" That got her.
"One day you'll stop lying to yourself and do what's better for everyone and just kill yourself!" She flipped her hair and walked off leaving me looking after her with raised eyebrows.
"Issues, she has some major issues!" I said and heard a laugh, I froze.
"Yeah, it seems that she does!" Hunter stood in front if me, he was really tall and well build. His eyes shone with a hint of playfulness and his half smile made my stomach turn. "She seems to like tormenting you" he studied me thoughtfully.
"I don't care what she thinks" I said looking at him, "If she wants to hate me she can, being rude to me only makes more work for her, I don't take her seriously" I said it with a straight face making full on eye contact with the boy in front of me, I stood up straight so he knew I wasn't messing around. However- that was more than I've ever said to anyone! Hunter was full on smiling now, "That's good to hear," he tilted his head a bit to the side, "That you don't make yourself the victim, I mean."
"I'm not a victim" I shook my head, "Just someone they don't like, I can't feel sorry for myself if, I did where would I be?"
"Nowhere" he stated
"Exactly!" I smiled at him, an actual smile and he smiled back.
"It's Kate right? Kate Dean?" He asked that playful glint in his eyes, I nodded.
"I think we're going to be good friends KitKat" he put his arm around my shoulder, he was quite a bit taller than me so I fit under his arm pretty well. I tensed which made him laugh and pull me closer to him, "Not a people person Kate?" He smiled down at me trapped under his muscular arm, I shook my head and looked at the floor, he laughed again and smiled down at me, "Don't worry, you'll get used to me" he winked and we walked to art, me uncomfortably under his arm while he had a smirk on his face.

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