Chapter 21

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"No, get those ones." I pointed at the bag of sweets, Hunter raised an eyebrow at me but reached up and grabbed the bag.
"I will never understand your obsession with lollipops." He shook his head and threw the bag into the basket, laughing a little. I shrugged and continued walking down the aisle, looking for more sweets for our movie night. Marco and Jonathan were going to be joining us this time, though Hunter and Jono were both a little reluctant in agreeing.
"Why do Marco and Jonathan have to join us?" He asked and pouted for what seemed like the millionth time.
"Because." I kept looking at the shelves.
"Good one, you should be a lawyer." Hunter joked, leaning on the shelf and trying to catch my eye. I frowned up at him, trying my hardest not to smile. He poked my cheek, a teasing glint shinning in his eyes.
"I know you think I'm funny." He leaned closer to me, his voice soft and playful.
"Hilarious." I rolled my eyes at him. He pouted again.
"You don't love me." He turned away from me, leaning on the shelves and faking pity for himself.
"I do love you." I scoffed and put a hand on my hip as I glared at him.
"Prove it." He flopped his head to the side cockily and smirked at me. I raised an eyebrow at him, stepping closer.
"How?" I was trying to be intimadating but Hunter was a lot taller than me.

"Break up with Marco." He said seriously. I let out a humorless laugh and shook my head.

"See, you don't love me!" He whined.
"Fine... Just tell them not to come tonight." He sounded like a little kid.
"I'm not doing that. Stop acting like a child." I turned away from him and continued down the aisle, I heard him groan in defeat and follow me. I smiled smugly, knowing I had won.

"Hunter and Jono do not look happy..." Marco and I stood in the kitchen, watching our best friends sulk in the living room. I shook my head.
"I don't know what their problem is." I frowned. Marco looked down at me and laughed a little, he placed his hand on the side of my face and gently stroked my cheek.
"I wouldn't know." He leaned down and kissed me softly, I leaned into the kiss and let my arms slip around his neck as he pulled my body against his. I loved how it felt kissing Marco - being in his arms made me feel safe and his kiss was like a drug; pulling me in and taking over my mind, making everything fuzzy and making me lightheaded and bubbly.
"Are you two done?" I heard Hunter say impatiently. I pulled away from Marco a bit, letting my hands fall to his chest and he let his hands fall to my hips.
"Jesus Christ, how long does it take you guys to get the snacks?" Jonathan groaned but when he walked into the kitchen rolled his eyes, "Oh, that's why."
"Marco, can I talk to you real quick?" Hunter glanced at Jono then back to Marco and gave him a move-your-ass-right-now look. Marco kissed me quickly and let go of me, walking out the room with Hunter.
"What's up with those two? One minute they're fighting the next they're having a 'quick talk' I don't get it." I said to no one in particular and frowned.
"They've always had an odd relationship. They know too much about each other to not be pissed off with the other." Jono laughed nervously and ran a hand through his hair. I looked over at him, he always seemed nervous or agitated around me, yet he was so confident around Marco. I leaned back on the counter, biting my lip a bit.

"Seriously Marco! You're such an asshole, she deserves to know!" I heard Hunter yell, then a few muffled noises and a thump. My eyes widened and I rushed out the kitchen, Jonathan close behind.
"Don't you dare say anything!" Marco had Hunter pressed against the wall, Hunters shirt twisted in his fist and a look of pure hatred in his eyes. Hunter looked like he was trying his hardest not to hit his brother.
"Guys!" I yelled. Jonathan grabbed Marco and pulled him away from Hunter. I stepped in between them and put my hand on Hunters chest to calm him down a bit, muttering softly for him to calm down and look at me, he did and his gaze softened.
"Enough now." Jono said softly to Marco, it seemed to work because Marco calmed down and stepped away, straightening his shirt a bit.
"What was that about?" I looked between Marco and Hunter.
"Nothing, just a little disagreement about respect." Hunter spat, I saw Marco tense a bit and glare at Hunter. His hands started to ball into fists but Jono grabbed his hand, making Marco look at him. He shook his head, moving his hand from Marco's hand to his shoulder.
"How about we watch the movies." Jonathan smiled at all of us and Hunter looked between Marco and Jono for a brief second then pushed off the wall and walked into the living room.

I sat inbetween Marco and Hunter, Jonathan sat next to Marco. Out of habit I rested my head on Hunters shoulder, letting my one leg drape over his. Marco didn't seem too fazed by it at the present moment, he had both his arms spread over the back of the couch. Jono was leaning back, Marco occasionally rubbing a small circle on his back with his thumb. The movie finished quicker than it normally did but once it was done everyone stayed silent, maybe it was a mistake inviting Marco and Jonathan. I just wanted everyone to be better friends but it back fired a bit.
"Well this was fun," Hunter said sarcastically.
"Hunter..." I warned softly.
"I gotta take Jono home, I'll probably stay there." Marco said and stood up. I smiled sadly at him and he leaned down and kissed me, making Hunter do a gag sound. I rolled my eyes but smiled at Marco when he pulled away.
"Bye guys." I said and waved. When they left I turned and frowned at Hunter.
"Before the movie, what was that?" I asked softly and I saw sadness flash across his face.
"Just a little disagreement..." His words sounded pained.
"Tell me." I said sternly.
"Kate, leave it alone." He looked away from me. I moved so that I was on Hunters lap, my legs on either side of him. I grabbed his face and turned it so he was forced to look at me.
"Do you love me?" I asked him seriously. Pain and regret filled his eyes.
"Yes KitKat, I love you so much." He said softly.
"Then tell me what's going on..." I pleaded, my eyes searching his face.
"Kate... I love you..." He said, looking at me sadly.
"I know, but I need you to tell me." I bit my lip. He sighed.
"I just don't like you being with Marco, he isn't right for you."
"Why? I love him Hunter."
"No you don't! You love what he's pretending to be!" He almost yelled, I could see how frustrated he was.
"Could you stop?" I kept my voice soft, my heart breaking a little.
"I just want you to be happy..."
"I am..." I leaned my forehead against his. We sat there like that for a while, just listening to the other breathe.
"I'm sorry." He finally said, I kissed his cheek.
"Let's go to bed." I climbed off his lap and we headed to his room. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want Hunter to be this upset but at the same time I didn't want to end things with Marco. I was so confused about how I felt.
Hunter and I got into bed and I cuddled up against him, calmness and happiness taking over and letting me fall asleep as I lay in his strong, protective arms.
"I love you so much my precious little KitKat..." He said softly and kissed the top of my head.

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