Chapter 9

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I woke up to my phone ringing loudly in my ears, I groaned then looked who was calling me.
"Hunter, it's 3 in the morning!" I violently whispered, I only received laughter from the other end.
"Oh KitKat, what is this friendship if not calls at 3 in the morning?" He asked in an innocent voice, I rolled my eyes at him even though he couldn't see me.
"Hun, why are you calling me?" I asked slowly, sitting up in bed and rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand.
"Cause," he stated as if it was an answer, I moaned into the phone.
"Okay, fine. Calm down miss grumps" he laughed, "I'm coming over!"
"Coming over? Hunter what are talking about? As previously stated, it's 3 in the morning" I used my best 'scolding mom' voice, I could practically feel the smile in his words, "See you in 5, my little KitKat" he made a kiss noise into the phone and hung up. I groaned and let my head drop before shuffling out of bed and putting comfy clothes on. He was certainly something else.

Hunter walked straight into my room, jumped on my bed next to me and planted a kiss on my cheek, "Hey, KitKat" I leaned back onto him, "Shush! Don't wake my family up! They'll kill us!" He laughed and rolled on top of me, resting an arm on either side of my head, propping himself up. Again, it was not odd for us to be in a position like this, it wasn't sexual in any way. I raised an eyebrow at him and he smirked back at me, "That so?" He asked, not lowering his voice at all. I smacked his arm, he gave me an innocent look and put a hand to his chest acting as if I had hurt his heart, he still used his other hand to keep himself up.
"Yes!" I whisper shouted, "keep it down!"
"What's the fun in that?" He asked as if what I'd said had confused him. I groaned at him but smiled up at the black haired boy. We had lost track of time and he was still propped on his elbows on top of me at about 4, when my brothers walked in.

"I'm going to kill him!" Mark yelled as Jared yanked Hunter off of me. My eyes widened and I reached out for Hunter but it was too late, he was already to far away from me to grab.
"Huh, you weren't kidding!" Hunter shot me a lopsided grin and tilted his head towards me as my brother pushed him against the wall.
"Jared let him go!" I jumped off the bed and tried to pry my brothers hand off Hunters shirt collar. Jared sent me a death glare and snarled, "Why the hell do you have this piece of shit in your room at 4 in the morning, on a Saturday?" His grip on Hunter tightened.
"Oh, it's already 4. Huh, I guess we lost track of time" Hunter smiled at my brother, he made no effort to fight Jared off him. I groaned, he was practically begging to get his ass kicked.
"Why was he in top of you, in your bed at 4 in the morning" Mark grabbed my hand and pulled me away from smacking Jared. I huffed at him, "Because we were bored and he came over. We were talking!" a scowl had found residence on my face. He's grip was hard and it was starting to hurt, but I stood my ground and just clenched my teeth.
"Jared, not to burst your bubble or anything. But could you please let me go? All your doing is messing up my shirt" Hunter easily removed my brothers hands from his collar and pushed past him, "Mark, I think your hurting her" he said in an irritated voice referring to the vase like grip my brother had on my arm and placed a hand on top of Marks, indicating for him to let me go. Mark looked down at me shocked and quickly let go. Jared was still staring at Hunter, his eyes daggers.
"Kate...I-I'm so sorry" Mark looked as if he had just shot a puppy, my face fell.
"Just-Just get out..." I practically sobbed at Mark and Jared finally looked at me, he lowered his gaze straight away. Them not trusting me hurt more than the pain in my arm.
"Kate..." He reached out for me but I moved away and stood behind Hunter. Mark huffed at Hunter, pushing him a bit with his shoulder before taking hold of Jared's shoulder and leading him out my room. I pressed my face into Hunter for comfort as he placed an arm on my waist, pulling me closer to him and I let myself cry.

"It's not that big a deal," I simply shrugged at Marco, who in turn frowned down at me and shook his head slightly. Hunter told him what happened and he called me telling me he was taking me out. Something to cheer me up even though I was over it. I huffed.
"Hunter was pretty upset over it" he kept his eyes on me, a caring look visible. I scoffed and stopped walking, he followed suit but raised an eyebrow at me.
"Hunter is a drama queen, seriously. My brothers just got upset!" I laughed, "they didn't hurt either of us!" Marco didn't look convinced and took my hand, he gently put it to his lips.
"I can't imagine why anyone would think of hurting you" he murmured against my hand, I felt my cheeks go red and I looked away from him. I felt him move closer to me, my heart beat sped up. I slowly lifted my head to look up at him, he had this brilliant smile on his face and his eyes were shinning such a beautiful brown. He placed a hand on the side of my face gently, I automatically turned my head into it. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. I took a sharp breath in and closed my eyes when he kept his lips there.
"So special" he whispered and my heart fell on the floor at his feet.

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