The girl started to gather up used plates from guests and put them on a serving trolley, ready to take into the kitchens to be washed. The room was silent apart from two things: a subtle, yet pretty, birdsong from outside, and Tamaki's sweet humming. (Y/N) studied the tune that was leaving Tamaki's lips, eventually realising it was the song she'd played earlier on at the club that day. This jogged her memory and remembered to speak to Tamaki about if he was okay during the session earlier.

"Hey, Tamaki?" she spoke up, stopping the sweeping motion she was doing with her broom and looking up at her friend. "I saw you looking at me earlier during the club," she remarked, a small smile creeping on her face.

"You did?" he asked, bashfully.

"I did," she giggled. "Aside from you looking at me, you seemed very out-of-it at the club today, and I just wanted to check if everything's okay?" her tone was softened, and it was clear she really cared about his reply.

"Was it that obvious?" he sheepishly grinned, laughing an embarrassed laugh. After a silence, he spoke up. "Yeah, I'm alright. I suppose my mind was just wondering because of the way you were playing your violin. It was such a beautiful tune, I was truly in awe," he admitted, averting his gaze from the girl's.

His reply was definitely not one she anticipated, nonetheless, it was one she enjoyed. "I'm glad you liked it," she smiled, walking a little closer to him. "The tune I played is actually a duet for... violin and piano."

Tamaki's eyes immediately lifted from the floor and met hers instantly. It was no secret, Tamaki could play the piano, very well at that. His face held a shocked expression: his eyebrows were slightly raised, his eyes widened minutely, and his lips parted a touch. His face then switched to a smile.

The both of them looked each other in the eyes, smiling at one-another. The knowledge they could both appreciate classical music and have a connection over it was overpowering both of their hearts with content and cheerfulness. It was not often you bonded with someone over a piece of classical music, so this experience felt new; it was truly unique.

"C'mon, Princess, we have a room to tidy," Tamaki spoke, his voice calmer and more hushed than usual - probably to fit the atmosphere.


Half an hour later, the room was spotless, ready for the new week and all of its events to come.

"Good work!" praised Tamaki. 

"Not too bad yourself," retorted the girl, nudging the boy (who was significantly taller) in a joking way. 

They both grabbed their belongings, which were spread carelessly on one of the many sofas. Grabbing her violin case, (Y/N) gasped, suddenly remembering the thing she promised herself she'd do.

"Is everything okay?" wondered Tamaki, only to be met with his friend's thumb facing upwards to show she was okay.

"This is kind of stupid, and don't think this is me telling you that you have to learn this but... you know the tune I played at the club - the duet?"

"How could I forget?"

(Y/N) held a piece of paper to Tamaki's eyeline. It was sheet music; the piano part to the song she'd been playing earlier.

"When I printed the violin part, it also printed the piano part. If you wanted - and only if you did - maybe we could play it together?" the girl spoke, her voice speedy as if she was embarrassed,  her gaze averted.

His White Rose {Tamaki Suoh x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now