8.Their linked name is a Hypnotising Mantra for Him

Start from the beginning

Fuck! Ignoring and controlling was more easy when you were just a naive teenager. But now seeing you as an all grown up woman, the buried insanity is getting boosted by newfound forbidden desires.

You're so delicate and already so wilted for the darkness. So better you stay away, or once my twisted part takes over the remaining sane part of my mind, I'll never let you go.

That time my darkness will bind you to the extent that you'll be only mine.
Mishika's pov
Muffled giggles of Sitara, my colleague and acquaintance, resonated in the ladies washroom as she turned off the faucet and then opened her clutch to bring out her make-up essentials for the touch-up.

Lunch hour was almost edging to the end so both of us quickened our touch-up since we've to get back to work.

Even though I don't have many friends due to my conservative nature, Sitara's presence can not be avoided either. We hit it off quite quickly, thanks to the over-jolly Sitara.

Letting out a slow chuckle on Sitara's office gossip, I kept my lipstick back in my clutch. "I think they are having an affair. I was always_" a halt came on Sitara's rambling and her eyes widened like saucers as she let out a shriek.

Surprised and concerned, I quickly got up as I was picking up my clutch that had slipped to the floor. "What's wrong ?"

"You got married." shrieking for another time, Sitara pointed at my neck making me freeze. My hand involuntarily moved to my neck and eyes quickly darted down only to spot my mangalsutra peeking through my shirt's collar.

(nuptial chain)

Sitara, still with eyes wide in astonishment, sprinted to me. "I know we aren't close yet but you didn't even tell me that you are getting married ?"

My body shook with Sitara’s continuous force on my shoulders and I tried to shake my head while Sitara continued to wail. "Calm down. Calm down." Detaching myself from the hyper-astonished Sitara, I tried to pacify her.

"It's not as you think. Lunch is over already, I'll fill you in about it later." Eventually Sitara calmed down with my calm words. "But please don't tell anybody."

Both of us quickly left the washroom after that but before leaving Sitara threw a quick signal at me that made me exhale out a jaded breath.

I just can't focus straight to work when I know my secret is now in the hands of Sitara. She is a nice person but very bad with secrets. And I fear that soon I'm going to be bundled with congratulations and questions.

There is no official face reveal of the newly wed Oberoi on the internet and I was relieved that I won't be tagged with his name. But I wonder for how long this blanket of peace is going to be around me?

I had been avoiding his thoughts since the last ten days but how can I forget that it is next to impossible since now I'm aligned with him.

If to be honest then I don't know what exactly I'm feeling or what I want ? My emotions and thoughts are all over places.

Divorce doesn't seem an option because let's be practical it isn't as easy as it sounds and even the court will not grant it so easily. I don't know about the rich society, but living with the tag of a divorcee surely isn't a simple thing for a middle-class girl.

But I can't live with him if he isn't going to respect this marriage. I don't know what my expectations are from this marriage but disloyalty definitely doesn't count in it.
Aarav's pov
"Aarav" with expressions of surprise on my face, I quickly took my steps back and reached mom.

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