The Black patriarch were angry, even if the girl didn't do anything wrong, people always seems to love judging them according to their parents and houses in school. "They should have minded their own business, wizards and witches sure had became more and more gullible than ever," Orion, Sirius' father glares as he fumes at the people in the pub.

Sirius and Regulus both stared eyes wide at each other and towards their father, shocked to hear that he was defending his granddaughter.

(Name) stares back at them confused, her hair turned orange with red highlights and thought, 'Di immortales! it's always like this, can't they just get over with it? Just because my father was considered a convicted murdurer in your eyes, doesn't mean that I'm going to be one too...mooncalves...' She rolled her eyes at the thought. "Just ignore them, kid. You're much better than them." Una broke through her thoughts.

"At least she never think badly of you, Pads." James reassures his friend with a smile.

Lily, Marlene, Alice and Dorcas were sad for the girl to go through those things alone, ,but they were happy that she had a friend that can protect her even if it is small.

"How I wish I could crucio them or gorge their eyeballs for looking at her too long," Bellatrix voiced out her comment, she seemed to be quite protective over the niece she had yet to meet. Rudolphus calmed his wife as the other students stares at them terrifyingly. Those who sat near them scooted further away from their seats.

As they were pointing and whispering at the young girl, Minerva glared back at them, silently telling them if they did anything, she would not hesitate to defend the young child even if she could protect herself. She then knocks the table counter, taking Tom's attention away from her Andy, wanting to get the child away from the situation.

"Thank you again, Minnie!" Sirius says grateful as McGonagall waves it off with a small smile.

"Ah! Right this way," The bartender cleared his throat and took a key and brought the two of them away from the crowd. "Room 28, you'll be staying here,"  the man spoke as he opens the door and then passed the key to the young Black as he walks away.

"I'm sorry about earlier," McGonagall apologises to the young metamorphamagus with regret. "It's alright, Minnie. I know what it's not your fault, it had happened quite often before though," the girl shook her head as she said quietly, her hair turns blue in sadness, her last few words earlier were more in whisper, "If you want to blame anyone, blame them, they always quick judge others."

Everyone stares at the screen sadly as the narration continues along with the scene.

McGonagall just stares at her, she heard every word even the one in whisper due to her sharp hearing. She felt bad for the girl, not only she was mostly on the run away from those monsters, people judge her left and right. She promised herself that she would take care of the young girl even if she had to take action.

Knowing the woman's guilt showing, "It's fine, Minnie. Don't worry, I'm alright! See?" The girl ensures the woman with a soft smile, but underneath the smile shows a hint of sad. Una notices it, but shook it off.

"That's Sirius' fake smile right there," Regulus commented knowingly. Sirius turned towards his brother so quick that he almost snapped his neck. Regulus ignored his brother's look. Alphard was smiling at his nephew's interaction, knowing that their bond was still there, they can still mend their relationship.

"She fakes her smile just like you, Pads, even when you feel hurt," Remus says to Sirius. "Yeah... that's definitely my child," Sirius chuckled quietly with sad smile.

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