The Love Square {15}

Start from the beginning

                “Colin Matthew Archer! Why would you do that?” he asked, looking at me in disappointment.

                “I didn’t mean to, dad. It just…slipped out,” I said, dropping my head in shame. “I feel awful about it. I tried to apologize, but he left.”

                “Colin, I don’t want you being mean to anyone. But especially not that boy. You know that Collie is very antisocial, and you know it worries me and your mother. Honestly, I think Ant Andrews is the only friend Collie has besides you and Emma. That’s why Collie is so upset over this,” he said with a sigh. “Give him some time to cool down before you try to talk to him, alright?”

                I nodded at my dad. I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and spun me around. His expression darkened.

                “Colin, Anthony isn’t really a faggot, is he?” he asked.

                I shook my head. “No, dad. Ant’s not a faggot. He’s pretty much dating this girl named Hannah at school.”

                Dad relaxed and nodded. “Okay, good. I don’t want either of you hanging around faggots. They’re just abominations.”

                “I know dad,” I said before hurrying back over to my friends.

                “Colin, are you okay?” Emma asked.

                I sighed and nodded. “I’ll be okay. But I need to apologize to Ant and Collie tomorrow,” I mumbled.

                “Why do you need to apologize to the faggot?” Jake asked.

                “Because what I said was really mean, Jake,” I said. “And gay or not, no one deserves to be told the things I just said to him.”

                “Damn dude, it must have been pretty cruel if you’re feeling sorry about it,” Vance said with a frown.

                “I had no right to say what I did,” I said, hating myself for it.

                I let my hand rest over my pocket, where I had the letter Collie had helped me write for Emma. I had been planning to give it to her tonight. Sneak it into her jacket before she left.

                But now I didn’t want to do that. I was such a terrible person. I didn’t deserve someone as nice as Emma. Not until I apologized to Ant and Collie and made this mess right.

                I forced myself to have fun with my friends until it got late and they left. I helped my parents clean up before going inside. I started to head towards the basement, but my dad caught my arm and pulled me back into the living room, shaking his head at me.

                “I’ll go check on him. I told you to let him cool down before you talked to him. Just go to bed, okay Colin?” he said, giving me a quick hug before disappearing down into the basement to go talk to Collie.

                “Colin, don’t worry too much. Your father told me what happened. People make mistakes, and brothers fight. I’m sure Ant will forgive you if you apologize to him. And you and Collie are twins. He’ll be angry for a little, and then he’ll get over it,” mom said, coming over and kissing my cheek.

                “Yea,” I mumbled, turning and heading to my bedroom.


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