The Love Square {15}

Start from the beginning

                Frantic, I jumped at Collie and tackled him to the ground. I pinned his arms down and sat on his chest. He struggled, but couldn’t get out of my grip.

                “Collie! Colin! Stop!” dad cried, rushing over to us.

                He grabbed my and pulled me off of Collie. He grabbed Collie as he lunged at me again. Dad held Collie tightly.

                “Collie, calm down,” I begged.

                “Collier Memphis Archer! What has gotten into you?” mom demanded furiously as she came over to us. She gave me a concerned look. “Colin, are you alright? He hit you in the shoulder pretty hard.”

                “I’m fine,” I promised her.

                “You ruin everything Colin! God dammit!” Collie yelled. I stared at him in complete shock. His eyes were watering.

                He dropped his head in embarrassment, giving up his struggle to get away from dad. His body relaxed, and dad slowly released him.

                Dad put a comforting arm around his shoulders. “Come on Collie. I think you should lie down for a little bit, alright buddy?” he said gently, leading Collie back into the house.

                “What was that all about Colin? I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen Collie so upset,” mom said, frowning deeply as she watched dad and Collie disappear through the backdoor.

                “Nothing mom,” I mumbled and hurried away from her.

                “Colin, what was that?” Emma asked in concern as I sat down.

                “I yelled at Ant, and Collie got mad,” I said quietly. I rubbed my smarting shoulder, knowing I’d probably have a bruise there tomorrow. My brother was tough.

                Great, now Collie had made me feel even worse about the whole situation. He was probably going to give me the silent treatment for a few days.

                He had every right to be mad at me after what I had said to Ant, but I still hated it. It drove me crazy when Collie got mad at me.

                “Colin, you’re so mean to him in particular. I know you hate homosexuals, but why you are that mean to Ant?” Emma asked, putting an arm around my shoulders comfortingly.

                But I remained silent, staring into the fire. I was mean to Ant because I hated the way he made me feel.

                When he had admitted he liked me, I had gotten this strange feeling in my chest. My mom had once said when you loved someone, you got a funny feeling in your chest.

                But there was just no way in hell I was a faggot like Ant was. I liked Emma. I knew I liked Emma. Hell, I had been crushing on Emma since freshman year.


                I looked up at my dad. He gestured for me to stand up and I did. I followed him away from the bonfire and he sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder.

                “He’s pretty upset. What happened between you two?” he asked.

                “I said something mean to Ant about his dad. He got upset and left,” I said, not meeting my dad’s eyes. It was kind of the truth.

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