I waited til he was asleep, and slowly removed my arm from his grasp. Getting up and putting his robe over my bare skin. I walked the long dark hallway, creeping slowly down the steps and praying that black entity was gone for good.
I turned on the kitchen light and filled up the kettle to make myself a tea. I yawned as I stood there in the large bright kitchen, reaching up to touch my lips as I remembered how he took me as his just a few hours ago.

I smiled as I felt butterflies float into my stomach, as I waited for my water to boil. I broke out of my daze as I saw a black broken picture frame on the corner of the island. "Oh yeah, I forgot I put that there." I thought as I walked over and picked it up. Seeing the family group photo of everyone together, with two faces scratched out with claw marks. I raised finger up to smooth over the glass, as it cut me on the side of my finger. "Fuck!" I whispered, putting my finger in my mouth. Noticing the two faces that were scratched out, J.K and Jimin's.

"Where did this come from?" I thought, looking around for an empty nail on the wall, but was met with nothing out of place. I set it back down, picking out the broken pieces and tossing them into the garbage. I pulled myself up onto the counter as I watched the water slowly come to a boil.


My head shot up as I saw my sweet love looking back at me. "What's wrong? How come you're down here?" He asked softly as he walked over to me, putting himself between my legs and resting his hands on my thighs. I smiled as I leaned down, slowly placing a kiss on his lips. Feeling the warm zap shoot through my body. I shuddered as he smirked up at me.

"I couldn't sleep, I needed something in my stomach."

He brushed the hair off my shoulder and kissed the skin, looking over at the mangled picture on the marble. "Where did you get this?"

"I have no idea. I remember that night I was here by myself, I had heard a loud smash and searched around but didn't find anything. It wasn't until I was leaving that night that I saw it and picked it up. I must have forgotten to tell you."

"That's okay babe, but I didn't have this hung up. So I don't know how it had fallen."

"Do you think someone placed it here?"

He shrugged his shoulders as he examined it more. "Why are both our faces scratched off?" He said as he leaned himself against the counter across from me. "I was wondering the same thing."

He set it back down and shrugged again, turning back to face me between my legs. He rubbed his hand over mine as he noticed my cut on my finger. He looked at it and up at me, "You hurt yourself?"

"Yeah just on the glass, but I'm fine babe."

He put my finger in his mouth as it was still bleeding a bit. I arched slightly, feeling his hot mouth on my hand as it caused me to clench on the spot. My finger slightly stinging as he circled it slowly with his tongue and looked up at me through his dark lashes.

My breath hitched as I felt myself get wet against the coldness of the counter. He pulled me from his mouth and placed my wet fingers through my robe and on my aching core. "Touch yourself." He whispered as he leaned back against the counter again and watched me. I bit my lip as I obeyed him, slowly rubbing my wet fingers up and down my clit, making slow circles as I rested my head back against the cold cupboards. Quiet moans slowly escaping my lips. I didn't break his stare as he licked his bottom lip and smirked. "Tell me how wet you are for me."

Silver Lining / PJMWhere stories live. Discover now