Chapter 40

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We all walk towards Thanos who flashes us a sinister smile. "You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you've shown me that's impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."

"Yep. We're all kinds of stubborn." Tony says back.

"I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do." He stands up from the rock he was sitting on and steps towards us. "I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. Teeming with life, but knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe.'

"Born out of blood." I say, glaring at him. "They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them." He growls. We all run at each other and start throwing punches, lighting, repulsor blasts. The battlefield stretched before us, scarred from the missiles sent towards us. My shield felt heavy in my grip, but it was a familiar anchor. The weight of the universe rested heavily on our shoulders as we all knew that this battle held the fate of our futures.

"Okay, Thor. Hit me." Tony says. Thor bangs his 2 hammers together combined with his lightning and sends it surging towards Tony. Tony's suit sucks up the energy and he shoots it out using his hands and his body at Thanos. Thanos twirls his blade really fast to divert the energy while Thor grabs his ax and uses it as a bat to send his hammer at Thanos. Thanos grabs Tony out of the air and uses him as a shield resulting in damage to his system.

I surged forward, shield raised in defense. Each of Thanos' blows met my shield with resounding force, the reverberations coursing through my body. Thor's defiant battle cry pierced the air as he now hurled his ax towards Thanos. The clash of it with Thanos' sword sent shockwaves coursing through the ground shaking it beneath our feet. Thor's attack on Thanos is blocked by his sword. He tries, but Thanos gets the upper hand. Thor's body being beaten by the mad titan. I get up slowly and watch as Thor tries to grab Stormbreaker. Instead, Thanos grabs it first and uses it against Thor as he tries to pierce the ax in Thor's chest.

I look to the side and see Thor's hammer. I could lift it before, I just didn't...which meant I could lift it now...

Suddenly the hammer lifts off the ground and flies directly into Thanos, knocking him off Thor and then flies back into my hand. They both look over at me, amazement on their face.

"I knew it!" Thor yelled with a laugh. Thanos growled and kicked Thor off to the side, running towards me. I charge at him, swinging the hammer and knocking Thanos down. I feel the adrenaline coursing through me as I throw my shield and go onto the offensive, attacking Thanos with everything I have. Thanos who eventually gets the upper hand and while I'm distracted, he stabs me in the leg and knocks the hammer out of my hand. I hold my shield up in defense but with every strike, my shield slowly breaks at the force. It's not enough though as Thanos throws me off to the side.

I push off the ground, covered in dirt and blood and look at him.

"In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter...It was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet...I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much." He spits out. He lifts his arm and summons his entire army of creatures that we had fought over the years to the ground.

I glare at him and tighten my shield, even broken, on my arm, "I could do this all day."

Suddenly a voice comes through my comms, "Hey, Cap, you read me?"

Sam. It's Sam. I look around quickly and hear him again. "Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?"

I watch as an orange portal forms behind me. Sam flies out, "On your left." I smile at seeing him and then look back at the portal. Three figures step out. T'Challa, Bucky, and...Liv. Behind them Groot, Wanda, and the Fantastic Four. Sam flies by over me and dozens of more portals open all around the battlefield. Through one of these I see who I knew to be Doctor Strange, Peter Parker, and the Guardians. I watch in awe as thousands of people emerge. The Wakandan army, Asgardians, and more.

My eyes meet Olivia's and she smiles at me. God I've missed her smile. I wanted nothing more than to run over to her, but we weren't done yet. I turn back to Thanos, who now has a scowl on his face. Suddenly, Scott bursts out of the rubble as a giant Ant Man, holding Rhodey, Bruce, Rocket, and Clint.

"Avengers..." I yell, summoning the hammer, "Assemble." The hammer lands in my hand and the moment it does, the fight begins.

Olivia's POV

One minute we were fighting Thanos, the next...well I don't actually remember what happened next. I sit up and look around. I'm still in Wakanda. "OLIVIA?!" I hear Bucky yell. My eyes find his and he runs to my side. "Liv, are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine. Buck. What's going on?"

"I don't know." I look over and now see Sam, T'Challa, Wanda, Johnny, Sue, Reed, Ben, and Groot. "What's going on?" Wanda asks. " had to have been Thanos..." I say. "Where is everyone?? What happened?" Johnny asks, walking over and helping me up. Suddenly, a orange portal opens and I see Doctor Strange appear in front of us. "Come. We must go."

"Wait what..." Sam looks at him confused. "It's been five years. We have to go." Wait what. Five years?? We've been gone for five years?? Oh my god...Steve...Tony...are they alive?? Are they dead?? Did Thanos kill them??

Strange ushered us through the portal and we emerged onto a burnt and destroyed landscape. Finally my eyes landed on the one person I loved more than anything...Steve. I gave him a small smile and watched as dozens more portals opened around us, revealing more and more heroes.

I wanted to run to Steve and jump in his arms. Tell him how much I loved him. Tell him what I should have told him before I supposedly disappeared...

I walked side by side with Bucky and Wanda until we approached Steve. "Avengers..." He yelled, holding out his hand. I watched in awe as the unliftable hammer flew straight into my boyfriend's hand. "Assemble."

A/N: Again...we should all know what happens during the battle...and I'm not very good at writing action we are going to skip over a bit of it lol...more important things to do than describe an action scene from a movie we've all seen countless times I'm sure 😁

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