Chapter 12

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"Shit Liv..." Steve moaned as I wrapped my lips around his cock. I felt one of his hands grip my hair tightly. We were currently in a supply closet after returning from a mission. I pulled away, running my tongue up his shaft before taking him back in my mouth and hollowing out my cheeks. His fist hit the wall as expletives fell off his tongue.

I felt him swell in my mouth and I continued to suck until he came down my throat. He pulled me off of him and lifted me with ease off the ground, pressing me against the wall. "You looked so sexy today..." He growled against my neck, gently biting down on it. "God and when you held my shield this morning on the mission..." He groaned, pressing himself up against my dripping core. The only thing between us being my lace thong. His lips captured mine in a bruising kiss.

He snapped the offending fabric off of my body and slammed into me. "Fuck!" I groaned, biting down on his shoulder as my nails dug into his back. He fucked me against the wall until my legs were shaking. "Steve! I'm gonna cum." "Atta girl, cum all over me..." He moaned, leaving hickies across my chest. I groaned, leaning my head against the wall. I was a moaning mess as I coated him in my release.

He followed shortly after, keeping our bodies close and pressed against the wall.

"Ms. Stark, Captain Rogers...Mr. Stark is currently looking for Olivia." Steve and I were panting and catching our breath as Jarvis spoke up. "You don't think it's creepy how Jarvis just knows we're in here having sex." I laughed and shook my head as he set me back down. "At least he's not real. Jarvis won't tell, will you Jarvis?" "Of course not Ms. Stark. You're secret is safe with me."

"See." I smiled at Steve as I pulled on my leggings and top. "You owe me a new thong..." He rolled his eyes and pressed his lips against mine once again. "Go." He gave my ass a quick tap as I walked out of the storage closet.

Steve and I had been sneaking around for almost a week and it has been one of the best weeks of my life. "Olive!" Tony said, walking over to me. "I've been looking all over for you." "I've been here." I smiled at him and pulled a bottled water out of the fridge. "Why do you look flushed?" He asked. "No reason..." "Don't tell me there's a man in your room. Jarvis???" I groaned, "Tony..."

"Yes, Mr. Stark?" "Is there a man in Olivia's room right now?" He narrowed his eyes and looked at me. "No. Ms. Stark has been alone the entire day since returning from the mission."

"Interesting...anyway. I need you to help me with my suit." He said. "Why?" "Because I need you to get in it."

"I'm not getting in that thing." I protested but he ignored me and grabbed my wrist, dragging me towards the lab. We passed Steve in the hallway and Tony stopped abruptly. I ran into his back at the sudden stop and he backed us up to Steve. "Where were you?" "Been around...why?" Tony narrowed his eyes at Steve. "Jarvis?" "Yes, Mr. Stark." "Report Captain Roger's whereabouts..."

"Captain Rogers has been in the training room, sir." "Hmm." Tony looked him up and down and shrugged. "Damn, you look different. Almost glowing. Thought you might have had a lady friend and I wanted to congratulate you on the sex. You know what, I'll set you up with someone from my little black book before I met Pepper, we'll talk later. Let's go Liv."

"I'm good, Tony. Thanks though." Steve replied. Tony shrugged and resumed walking, pulling me with him. I looked back at Steve and shrugged.

Tony and I arrived in his lab and saw Bruce working on something as well. "Hi Bruce." "Olivia." He gave me a small smile. "Okay, in you go." "Tony..." "It's not going to hurt you. I just need to check some of the systems and it needs to be on...but it needs my DNA to run. Hence you. Go on." I groaned but stepped into his suit. It closed around me and I immediately felt claustrophobic. "I don't like this!" I said. "10 minutes, max." Tony assured me. I sighed and followed his instructions as he checked out his suit.

"That was more than 10 minutes." "So it was an hour." Tony shrugged. "Thank you for helping. Treat yourself to a shopping spree, on me."

"My shopping sprees are always on you." He rolled his eyes and gave me a quick side hug. "So tell me when you're going to spend your own money?" He teases. "When you're is empty." I shrugged. "Impossible." "Then I guess the answer to your question is, never." I smile and exit his lab, saying goodbye to Bruce on my way out. Now to find Steve...

I pranced around the tower until I found him in the training room, punching a punching bag. "Are you imagining my brothers face when you hit that?" I ask, leaning against the doorway. He pauses and laughs a little, leaning his head against the bag. "Cause if you aren't, you should be." I pushed off from the doorway and walked towards him. He began unwrapping his hands. I grabbed one of them and looked into his eyes, beginning to unwrap them myself. "What's on your mind Cap?" I set the first wrap in his gym bag and began working on the second one.


"Yea? What about me?"

"How beautiful you are." He lifted his free hand and caressed my cheek. "Oh, so, my face makes you want to punch things?" I teased and his eyes widened. "No, no, I-, I didn't-" "I'm kidding, Rogers." I smile and lean up to press a quick kiss to his lips before dropping the second wrap in his bag. "Can I take you out?" He asks, holding my hands in his own. "I'd like that." I smile up at him and he presses another kiss on my lips.

"So is this is a real thing now?" Steve and I spring apart and I turn around to see Bucky smirking in the doorway. I let out a puff of air as he smirks at the pair of us. "I won't tell Tony, but next time you might want to try to keep it down next time you get off in the storage closet."

"Bucky?!" "Olivia!" He mocks and winks at us. "You both have rooms you know." I look over at Steve and his face is red with embarrassment. "Get out, Buck." He mumbles. Bucky laughed and turns around to walk out. "It's the super solider hearing, right...we weren't that loud were we?" I look up at Steve, "I hope so."

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