Chapter 27

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"Tony, Dr. Cho said to take it easy." I scolded my brother as he walked around the lab once we got back to the tower. "I am taking it easy. This is easy." I rolled my eyes and sat down with the bag of cheeseburgers. "Just sit down and come eat your cheeseburger." I laughed. He walked towards me, taking a seat across from me. "So? What did you want to talk about? How much you hate me for dropping you and summoning a suit that saved your life?" He smirked and bit into a cheeseburger.

"No." I looked down and took a fry, putting it in my mouth. "Before all of this Ultron shit, you know how I tried talking to you about Steve?" I asked. "Look, Olive, I know you guys don't get along but I can't kick the star spangled man with a plan off the team. As much as I want to sometimes. I know, he's a pain in the ass, but he means well. Just don't tell him I said that." He said.

"That's not what this is about, T. Steve and I are together." He started laughing hysterically and almost fell off his stool. "Oh god, good one Livy. You and Steve." I stared at him until he was finished laughing. "Oh that's a good one. Okay, what's the real reason?" He bit into his cheeseburger and looked at me. "We're together. Like a real couple. I wasn't kidding." I watched as the bite Tony just took fell out of his mouth and onto the table as he stared at me, jaw dropped. "Tony?" I waved my hand in front of his face and he slammed the burger down on the table and stood up.

"ROGERS!!!" He screamed, storming out of the office. "Shit." I mumbled, chasing after him. Part of his suit, mainly the arm, started assembling around him. "Tony, please, can you wait!" I yelled. He kicked open the doors of the training room and blasted his repulsor right at Steve and Bucky who were sparring. They each jumped out of the way and Steve grabbed his shield which was leaning up against the wall. "Tony, what the hell?!" Bucky yelled, glaring at my brother.

"Rogers has been fonduing my little sister." He yelled, shooting at Steve again. "Tony!" I yelled, grabbing his arm as he tried to fire again. It shot off in a random direction as Tony tried to get me off of him. "What the hell is going on in here??" Sam yelled as he and Nat ran into the training room. No one replied because Tony was too focused on murdering Steve, Steve was too focused dodging his repulsor blasts, and I was trying to pin Tony down to stop him from hurting Steve.

"Nat! Widow bites!" I yelled. Nat tossed me her widow bites quickly and I jammed them into Tony's neck, sending him falling to the ground. I sat down next to him and pushed him over, tapping on the arc reactor to make sure I hadn't killed him or anything. "Can someone please explain to me what the hell was going on?" Sam asked again.

"I told Tony we were dating." I said, out of breath, pointing to Steve and I. "You two??" Sam pointed between us and I nodded. "Damn. How did I not catch that? It's so obvious now! Did all of you know??" He pointed at Bucky and Nat, who nodded. "Wow. I feel left out Cap. Real nice." Nat slapped him and it didn't take long for Vision, Rhodey, and Wanda to make their way into the training room.

"What happened to him?" Rhodey asked. "Liv stabbed him in the neck with my widow bites. He'll be out for a few hours." Nat replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, why?" Vision asked. He was always so polite. "Mr. America is banging his sister." Sam said, pointing at Steve and I. "Sam." Steve sighed and put his hands on his hips. "I'm sorry...banging? Hitting her?" Vision looked confused and Wanda put her hand on his shoulder. "Vis...we'll talk about this later." He nodded at her and they walked away. "Buck, help me?" Steve looked at Bucky who nodded and they walked over, lifting unconscious Tony. They carried him to the common area and set him on the couch.

"That could have gone better." I said, looking at Steve, before pulling a blanket over Tony. "I texted Pepper, she's on her way to collect him and take him to their penthouse."

"Liv, are you okay?" Steve asked. I looked up at him and nodded. "Yea, fine." Steve sighed and wrapped his arms around me, his chin resting on my head. "I'm sorry...I didn't want him to react this way."

"Hey, it's fine. You're his sister and he's protective of you. Plus, Tony and I have a complicated history." Steve said, rubbing my back gently. "Yea he hated you." I felt Steve's chest vibrate slightly. "Well I recall you weren't too fond of me either." "Because you were an asshole. I tried to be nice." I mumbled. "Fair enough."

I heard the elevator ding and looked to see Pepper walking in. "Hey." She gave me a sympathetic smile as she approached. "How is he?" "Out like a light." I replied. "Rhodey and Bucky said they'd help get him back to your place." Steve said, causing Pepper to nod. "God, I'm so sorry. Liv, I'm gonna talk to him when he comes too." I smiled at her as Rhodey and Bucky came into the living area. They lifted him up and walked him out of the tower.

"He's gonna be pissed when he wakes up. But probably more so at me for basically tasing him." I said, my arms still wrapped around Steve. "Come on. Let's order some takeout and watch a movie." Steve kissed my head and held my hand. "What do you want?"

"Chinese." Steve nodded and picked up the phone, dialing our favorite Chinese takeout place, to order food for both of us and then Sam and Bucky. The reality was they would inevitably join us.

Speak of the devil. "Did you order me food?"

"Yes, Sam. We wouldn't let you go hungry." I laughed. "What movie are we watching tonight?" He jumped up on the counter and looked at Steve and I. "Well actually let me rephrase that. Have you finished any of the movies I wrote in your book?"

"Well Liv has shown me quite a bit of them." Steve said. "Yea that was before I knew you two were banging. Did you even watch them?" Sam gave me a knowing look and I rolled my eyes. "I mean, I got the jist." Steve said, blushing slightly. Now that people knew, I'm sure we'd be getting plenty of jokes and Steve would be even more embarrassed than usual.

"When was it?" Sam asked.


"The first time you guys did it?" He clarified.

"The jet on the way to Dc." "After the whole Hydra thing." Steve and I answered at the same time. I looked at Steve.

"The jet was not the first time." "Yea it was. I had my hand-" I slapped my hand over his mouth and looked at Sam who's eyes were wide with amusement. "That's wild. Tony know you guys got off on the jet?"

"Sam I swear to god if you tell him..." I glared at him and he laughed. "Okay, okay. What was the other time?"

"The actual first time. It was after Steve and Nat rescued Bucky and I from Rumlow." I said. "Oh shit. And let me guess. That time Tony told me Cap had a girl in his room, it was you." Sam pointed at me and I nodded. He laughed loudly again and laid back on the counter. He sat up abruptly and jumped off the counter. "You guys haven't."

"No Sam. We eat there." He gave us the side eye and shrugged. "Yea but storage closets aren't off limits." Bucky said, smirking, as he and Rhodey walked back in. "The storage closet??" Rhodey and Sam said at the same time causing Steve to glare over at Bucky.

"Thanks for that Buck."

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