Chapter 15

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"BRUCE!" I yelled as he kept speeding up the treadmill. "Okay! No super speed got it." He turned it off and I slowed down, panting to catch my breath. "So no super speed, no super strength. She's normal?" Tony asked and Bruce nodded. "From the looks of it. Though...I'd like to test something." He walked over to his computer and Tony watched him carefully. In a split second he threw something at my head. "Bruce! What the fuck?!" I yelled, catching it out of the air.

"Could you do that before?" Bruce asked. "I don't know. No?"

"Do you trust me?" He walked closer to me. "After you just threw something at my head, I'm inclined to say no." Bruce gave me a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that." I rolled my eyes. "Give me your arm." I complied and held out my arm. He took a scalpel and slowly placed it against my skin. "Bruce?! Are you nuts!" Tony yelled, going to knock it out of his hand. "I guarantee if I cut her, it will heal within the hour like nothing happened. Like Steve and Bucky."

"Do it." I said. He nodded and cut the side of my wrist. It started to bleed and he pressed a gauze against it and wrapped it up. "You'll be good as new in an hour, I'm sure of it. And if you aren't...then Hulk and I give you full permission to punch us." I smiled and laughed a little. "So you and Steve seem to be getting along, Olive?" Tony said, crossing the room to his own computer. "Yea. He feels bad for me. That's all." I lied. "Has he told you about his lady friend?" He asked me. "Not much. Just that he likes her."

"Well I heard them the other day. He seems to be doing something right."

My eyes widened a little. That's traumatizing. Little does he know he's actually talking about Steve screwing his little sister. The less he knows the better.

"Well. Good talk T, but I'm gonna go. Thanks for the checkup Bruce." Bruce and Tony waved at me as I made my way through the tower and to Steve's room. I pushed open the door and saw him sketching at his desk. I shut the door behind me and leaned against it. "Well?" Steve turned around and looked at me. "Bruce says I'm fine. Just some enhanced reflexes and improved healing." Steve reached out and grabbed my wrist, running his thumb along the bandage. "Is that what happened here?"

"Yea Bruce cut me." "He what?!" Steve looked up at me and I shrugged. "It's fine. Doesn't hurt. I just had the weirdest conversation with Tony. He asked if I'd heard more about your lady friend...then he proceeded to tell me that he HEARD US the other day." Steve's face reddened a little. I shivered as I thought about it. I walked closer to Steve and sat on his lap, my legs on either side of him. "We're going to have to be quieter." I whispered, pressing my lips to his. He moaned a little as our tongues danced together. He moaned in agreement and I grinded against him. "Liv, I want you, I really do. But I have training with Nat."

"Cancel it." I mumbled, pulling his bottom lip between my teeth. "I can't she-" He was cut off by a loud knock on the door. "Rogers! You're late!" "I'm already late." He whispered. I got off of him and hid in his closet. "I was about to come down Romanoff." Steve laughed. "Olivia can come out of the closet." I heard her say. "I don't know what your...Nat-" Nat pulled open the doors and I waved at her. Her eyes went wide. "You finally fucked!" "Nat! Keep your voice down." Steve said, covering her mouth. "Tony doesn't know and I'd really like him to not find out." He pulled his hand away from her mouth. "Who else knows?" She asked. "Bucky and Bruce." "Why the hell does Bruce know?" She asked. "We kinda forgot he was in the room when Liv was in the lab."

"You guys fucked in front of him??" "Jesus Natasha, no." Steve huffed and shook his head. "We were just a little closer than two people who were just friends." He continued. She nodded and shrugged. "Well you're not cancelling on me to fuck your girlfriend, Rogers. Let's go. See you later Livvy." She grabbed Steve by the arm and dragged him out of the room. I laughed and followed them out of the room but went into my own room. What could I do to pass the time?

I sat down on my bed and pulled out my laptop, ready to watch a movie, then the alarm in the building started ringing. I ran out of my room and into the living room where I saw Tony and Bruce. "What's going on?" I asked them. "We have no idea..." Then something crashed through the wall. One of Tony's iron legion suits.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or... I was a-dream?" The robot said. Tony continued tapping his ipad, "JARVIS. Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit." "Tony??" "Hold on." He was punching things on an ipad trying to shut it down. "It's not going night night...." He said. "There was a terrible noise... and I was tangled in... in... strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." I looked between Tony and Bruce. "You killed someone?" I asked. "Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices." The robot replied. "Tony! Shut it down!" Bruce yelled. "'I see a suit of armor around the world.'" The robot plays a recording of Tony's voice before charging at us.

Tony summons his iron man suit and sends a repulsor blast toward it. The robot exploded into parts. "That was odd..." Tony said. "I've never had a buggy suit like that." It wasn't long before Nat, Steve, and Bucky got to the floor. "What's going on??" "Nothing serious, just a buggy suit." Tony kicked one of the metal pieces before walking away. "You okay?" Steve asked. "Yea, I'm going to go check on him." I pointed towards the direction Tony went and followed quickly.

"Tony!" I shouted as I walked into his lab. He was messing around with all kinds of technology and gadgets. "Tony." "Yea?" He looked at me, somewhat in a daze. "I don't know what happened." He mumbled. "It's fine...just fix it?" "That's the problem Liv." "You're Tony Stark. Nothing is too hard for you. You got into MIT at can fix a buggy suit." I said, trying to encourage him. He looked completely out of it. "It's not on my system. It's like it had a mind of its own. How am I supposed to control something when it's not even on my radar."

"Ultron..." Bruce mumbled. Tony whipped around and looked at him. "What." "It's Ultron."

"Who the hell is Ultron?" I looked between the two men. "Ultron isn't online yet. JARVIS?" Tony said, dismissing Bruce's idea. "But think about it, Tony. It's not Jarvis...."

"Ultron is supposed to be a peace keeping force. Not trying to kill us. That's ridiculous." Tony laughed nervously and paced around the room.

"Is anyone going to tell me who the hell Ultron is?" They finally looked at me.

"STARK!" I heard Steve yell as he barged into the room. "What the hell were you thinking?" Steve walked up to Tony and got in his face. "Simmer down, Spangles." "What the hell did you do?"

"Steve!" I got in between them and put my hand on Steve's chest, pushing him back. His face softens a little as he looks down at me. "All of our work is gone..." Bruce says. "Tony, where's Jarvis?" I ask, keeping my hand on Steve's chest. It seemed to relax him and keep him from ripping Tony's head off. Tony pulls up the 3D hologram of Jarvis, now completely destroyed.

"He's been in everything. Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about each other." Nat walks in, with her own ipad. Steve tenses and his eyes find mine. "JARVIS was the first line of defense. He would've shut whatever this Ultron is down, it makes sense." I look between Steve and Tony. "No, Ultron could've assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy, this is...rage." Bruce walks towards the hologram. "We have to assume he's at least assimilated all of JARVIS's files...nuclear codes..." Nat says.

Steve tears his eyes away from mine to glare at Tony, "Find him and fix it. Everyone else, suit up."

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