Chapter 32

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- 6 months later -

"Nat!!!" I growled as she pinned me down on the mat for the 7th time today. "Gotta be quicker than that." She smirked at me and held out her hand to help me up. I pushed myself off the floor and got a quick glimpse of the clock on the wall. "Is it time?" She asked. "Almost. I'm gonna go shower and then head out." I smiled at her and started walking out of the training room.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" She yelled after me. I flipped her off as I quickly got to my room and into the shower. I changed quickly and made my way towards the elevators, running into Tony and Bruce. "Hey Liv, where ya going?" Tony asked me. "Meeting up with Johnny." I said. Tony made a face and I rolled my eyes. "I don't like that guy. His brother in law and sister however...I do like."

There was an incident a few months ago where Reed, Sue, Johnny, and Ben went to space and were hit by some solar flare type of thing and well...they came back...different...

It was then I introduced them to Tony who was more than happy to help out trying to figure out what went wrong and if there was a way to reverse it. Which led to Tony, Reed, and Bruce being the three science geek musketeers as Johnny liked to call them. "Don't catch on fire!" Tony yelled after me as I stepped into the elevator. Little did he know, I was not going to see Johnny. But if I told him the truth...he probably wouldn't be too happy. It's best if he didn't know. It's complicated.

I hopped into one of the cars...specifically the one where I disabled Friday and the gps navigation...sorry Friday...and drove off.

I pulled into the parking garage, parking the car and stepping out and straight into the arms of Steve. His large arms wrapped around me and spun me in a small circle. "Hi." I whispered. "Hi." He kissed me roughly, pushing me until my back was against the car door. I moaned as his teeth tugged on my bottom lip. "Fuck. I missed you." He breathed out. "You wouldn't have to miss me if you'd just let me come with you or if you'd just come back to the tower." I ran my fingers through his hair as we leaned up against the car. "How is Tony?"

"Fine. I trust he wouldn't kill you if you came back with me..."

"I'm not exactly his favorite person...."

"You never were." I smirk and press my lips to his again. He groans as I trace my tongue across his bottom lip. I pulled away, his bottom lip between my teeth. "Come on." Steve grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his bike, handing me the extra helmet and helping me on. "How come I have to wear a helmet and you don't?" "Because you are precious cargo." He kissed my nose before driving out of the parking garage towards his shared apartment with Bucky and Sam.

"Hey Liv!" I smiled as Bucky greeted me when Steve and I walked hand-in-hand into the apartment. "Buck."

It didn't take long for me to forgive Bucky. In fact, I don't think I was ever really that mad. But a few weeks after everything went down, I told Steve I wanted to see him and of course, Steve agreed and let me meet with him. Bucky was really hard on himself about the entire situation and after a really deep conversation that caused many tears between us both, there was no bad blood between us. Not that I ever would have let that happen anyway. He means too much to me. Too much to Steve.

"On a scale of 1 to badly do I need earplugs or should I just leave the apartment all together?" Steve's face flushed red and I smirked at Bucky. "Like a solid 7 or 8." "Yep. I'm out."

"Or you could always join us..." He narrowed his eyes at me and I smirked.

"Olivia!" Steve's whole face was red like a tomato. "Bucky get out!" Bucky winked at us and I looked at Steve who was still red from embarrassment.

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