Chapter 31

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About a week passed and I was starting to feel better. I missed Steve like crazy but Nat, Wanda, and Pepper were able to convince me that maybe I did need a little more time. But now, I'm over it. I wanted my super soldier boyfriend back.

Then there was Tony. He was distant. I knew he didn't want to make me choose between him and Steve but I knew deep down that their relationship would never be the same. Not that they had much of one to start but whatever it will always be strained. I couldn't be with Steve and keep Tony as close as I wanted. Tony would always love me and always be my brother but everything would change. And that unknown was scary.

If Steve and I ever got married...would he be there? Would he still walk me down the aisle?

It was too painful to think about but I knew I would have to face it eventually. I loved Steve. It was clear that wasn't going to change.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Wanda asked as she and Vision came into the kitchen, watching me stab eggs onto my fork. "Fine." I mumbled. "Forgive me, Ms. Stark bu-" "Vis, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Olivia or Liv..." I raised my eyebrows at him slightly. "Olivia...might I suggest you try getting out of the tower rather than sulking about Captain Rogers?"

"Vis!" Wanda slapped him slightly. "No, Wanda, he's right..." I smiled at Vision and put a forkful of eggs into my mouth. I thought for a moment and decided to text the one person I knew to be a great distraction. Johnny Storm.


"Shit. That's rough..." Johnny mumbled as I finished telling him what happened between Tony, Steve, Bucky, and I. "I can't believe you slept with the guy who killed your parents..." Johnny laughed slightly and took a sip of his beer. "It's not funny!" I slapped his arm.

"A little ironic though." He held up his fingers and pinched them together. I rolled my eyes and swirled my straw in my drink. "Look. You asked me to be a distraction...let me distract. Let's go do something fun." I raised my eyebrows at him. "Not that. I don't want to get murdered by Captain America." I laughed slightly and he pulled me off the bar stool. "We are going to a baseball game."

"I- I can't..."

"Why not?" I looked down at my feet slowly. "That was our first date..." I whispered. "Shit. Okay no baseball. Uh...I could take you..."

"You're not good at taking girls out are you Storm?" I glance up at him and he gives me a sheepish smile while rubbing the back of his neck. "No. I'm good at picking them up and then taking them home. I don't date. Not that I think this is a date...or I mean, I don't want to date you." His eyes widened for a moment. "I didn't mean that! I'd love to date you, you're hot and some of the best sex I've ever had...I meant that...uh..well you're in a relationship. And I don't even do relationships so..."

"Johnny. I get it." I smiled and rested my hand on his arm. "Let's just keep drinking...That I'm good at." He said, sitting back down on the barstool and waving the bartender over for another round. "So tell me about the great Captain America. Is he better than me in bed?" "Oh shut up, Johnny."


" was your day?" Nat asked as she hovered around me the minute I got home. "Fine." I shrugged and pulled out some juice from the fridge. "Good. Good."

"Nat...? Can I help you?" She smiled and shook her head. Weird. "You're hovering." "I'm not hovering..." She took a step back and sat at the kitchen counter. "Okay...I'm going to my room..."


I gave her a weird look but continued towards the elevator and to my room. I slowly pushed the door open and gasped as I saw the one person I had been longing to see. "Steve..." I breathed out his name and jumped into his arms. My legs locked around his waist, my arms around his neck and shoulders while his arms quickly wrapped around me and held onto me tightly. I buried my head in his neck as tears fell from my eyes. I pulled back and placed both my hands on his cheeks, running my thumb over his cheekbones. "You're here..."

"I'm here." He smiled slightly and I crashed our lips together. His lips molded against mine perfectly, his tongue moving against mine in the most perfect rhythm. Eventually we had to pull away for air...although if I didn't need to breathe I would be perfectly content with kissing him non stop. I kept my hands on his face and pressed our foreheads together. "How are you here?" I asked softly.

"Nat and Pepper snuck me in." I pulled back and looked over his features, running one of my hands through his hair. "Look, Liv I'm so sorry..." "Don't apologize." He sighed and moved to sit down on the couch, keeping me in his arms. "Liv I have too. Please..." I sighed and looked down. Steve took his hand and placed it gently on my cheek, moving my head so I was looking back into his bright blue eyes. "I'm sorry for how everything happened and for leaving you like I did but I'm not sorry that I didn't tell you. I was trying to protect you, protect Buck... and I know you might say you don't need me to protect you but Liv...I will always protect you. You mean so fucking much to me. More than I ever thought you would."

"I'm not upset that Bucky killed my parents...I know it wasn't him." I whispered. "I'm not even mad that you didn't tell me...I'm more upset that you left me." My voice broke slightly and Steve's hands were quick to cup both cheeks and wipe away stray tears. "I didn't want you to choose Liv."

"I would have gone with you."

"I know, and I couldn't let you." Steve ran a hand through my hair. "Tony needs you, Liv." I hate him for being right. I couldn't have left Tony at that moment. "What about what I needed? I needed you. I love you." More tears fell from my eyes. "I love you..."

Steve pulled my face towards him and placed his lips on mine. "I needed you." I mumble against his lips. "I'm here..." "But for how long?" He sighed and ran his hands down my arms and then rested them on my waist. "Liv, I can't stay here. Tony, he needs the space..."

"Then I want to come with you." He shook his head slowly. "Liv-" "Please don't leave me..." My grip around his neck tightened and I pushed myself against him, resting my head on his shoulder. "I don't want you to go." I mumbled. "I promise it's not forever, Liv. And I will come to you the minute you need me. I promise."

"Don't do this..." I whispered. "Please don't do this..." My voice shook as I tried to hold back my tears. "Olivia, please..." I could hear the strain in his voice. He was trying to be strong. To not break down. This was hard for him too. I knew he didn't want to leave me. He was doing what he thought was right. He always did.

I cried quietly into his shoulder as he soothingly rubbed my back. A soft knock sounded on the door. "No, please..."

"It's me." Nat's voice floated through the door and Steve took my face in his hands. "It's not forever. I love you." He kissed me passionately, letting me melt into the kiss. He stood up from the couch and set me down on my feet. "Steve..." My voice broke. "I love you, Liv." His voice shook and he pulled me into one last hug. I held onto him tightly. I didn't want him to go. I felt him press a kiss to my head before he pulled away. "No..." "I love you."

"I love you too." He opened the door and Nat gave me a sad smile. Steve drops my hand and disappears down the hallway with Nat. I drop onto the couch and curl up into a ball, sobbing quietly.

"Liv?" My eyes meet Nat's as she walks back into the room. "Why did he have to go?" "Pepper could only keep him out of the tower for so long...I'm sorry." She sat down next to me and pulled me into her arms. "He wanted you to have this." She whispered, handing me a flip phone. I laughed slightly through my tears and held the old piece of technology in my hand. Classic Steve.

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