Chapter 25

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"Liv, you said you'd tell him." Steve whispered and pointed at Tony who was working in his lab. "I'll go." "I'm going to find Buck." He gave me a kiss on the head and walked toward the training room. I took a deep breath and walked into my brother's lab.

"Olive! Thank god. I need your help." I nodded and walked further into the lab, going over to his side. "The bastard broke my suit and -" "And you need me in the suit?" He nodded and I sighed, stepping into the tin can. "Look, T. I need to talk to you." I said as I watched him walk around, fiddling with some of his software. "What's up, Olive?"

"It's about Rogers." "Don't tell me he pissed you off again." Tony laughed and shook his head. "Not exactly...actually the opp-" "Mr. Stark. I have located Ultron. He has kidnapped Dr. Cho and is currently en route to Sokovia." Jarvis cut me off and Tony stopped what he was doing immediately and ran towards his computers. "Tony?" I said. "We have to go. Jarvis, alert the team!" I heard Tony yell. He ran over to me and disengaged the suit, getting in it himself. "We're gonna have to finish this conversation on why Rogers annoys you later, go suit up."

"I get to come?" "Olivia." Tony groaned. "Right, no time for small talk." I ran out of the room and ran into Steve's hard body. "Liv?? What's going on?" "Ultron." His eyes widened and we both went to suit up. Me in my catsuit like Natasha's and Steve in his typical Captain America uniform. We met back up at the jet and everyone boarded. "Where is he?" Wanda asked. "Sokovia." Tony whispered. She took in a shaky breath and nodded.

I placed a comforting hand on her arm and she gave me a small smile. I can't imagine how hard this must be on her. She was taken by Hydra from her home when she was so young. "Tony, what's he doing?" Steve asked, his hands on his hips. "He has the regeneration cradle. He's creating a body. A better humanoid the center...the stone from Loki's scepter." He looked at Thor as he explained the last part. "Stark..." Thor growled. Tony held up his hands in defense. "We need to stop him." Steve stepped between them and put a hand on Thor's chest. "Wait like Vision?" I asked. "Just like Vision. Except this one is being programmed by a murder bot to destroy everyone. Tony and I created Vision in a lab...this is...nothing like we've ever seen before." Bruce replied.

Vision was created in a lab? Why did I not know that? I thought he was an alien that happened to sound like Jarvis. God I do not pay enough attention to my brother. No wonder they accidentally created a murder bot.

Everyone quickly made their way towards the jet. Steve and I walked side by side. "Olivia, please be careful." He said softly. "I promise." I reached over and gave his hand a small squeeze before letting go.

Steve and I lingered close to each other on the flight, just in reach of one another but not close enough to be suspicious. "Okay so we need to split up. Steve and Bucky will go together on the ground. On the frontline. Nat, Olivia, and Clint it's up to you to find where he's hiding and draw him out. Olivia, he hates me the most so I'm assuming that extends to you, please be careful. Bruce, code green, smash some stuff. Thor, Wanda, Sam, Rhody and I will watch the skies and attack from above." Tony said, explaining his strategy. Steve's jaw clenched but he remained quiet. He knew it would be best for him to stay with Bucky.

One by one everyone excited the jet. Nat, Clint, Bucky, Steve, and I were left. Bucky and Steve were about to jump. "Please be careful." Steve said, looking at the three of us and throwing me a wink. I knew it was meant for me but he couldn't be that obvious on this open channel. Tony needed to focus. "We will." Nat replied for me. Steve and Bucky both jumped out of the jet, without parachutes, and I turned to Nat and Clint. "Why they do that, I'll never know." Clint mumbled, closing the bay door and going up to the front of the jet. "Going into stealth mode." He announced, cloaking the jet and lowering us down into an open area.

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