Chapter 19

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I heard the jet approaching the tower and ran to the hangar to greet the team, and Steve. Let's be honest. I wanted to see Steve. I watched closely as the jet landed and the team stepped out. Bruce had walked in as well and was waiting in the back. Tony and Steve walked out first. I so desperately wanted to run into his arms, but I knew I couldn't. Wanda and Clint walked out next, carrying Nat. "Nat??" I immediately ran to her side and saw a gunshot wound in her side. "I'm fine." She grunted.
"No you're not! You have a hole in your side!!" "I've had worse."

"Get her to the lab, I'll take a look." Bruce said. He looked extra worried about Nat. I'd be blind not to see their chemistry. I hope Steve and I don't come off that way...

Clint and Wanda carried Nat away as Bruce followed. "Where's Thor?" "Claimed he had some magical vision and jetted out of there." Tony explained, waving his hands around. "Vision my ass."

"Are both of you okay?" I asked, my eyes raked over Steve's body to check for any injuries. "Nat was the only one that got hit." Steve said abruptly. His eyes avoided mine. "Where's Bucky?" Steve asked. "Training room."

Without another word he stormed away towards the training room. "I don't know what's up with him, don't ask." Tony said as his robots removed his iron man suit from his body. "You know, I've been thinking of ways to make this suit more efficient. What do you think about nanotech?" Tony asked. My mind was somewhere else though. I know we weren't exactly doing the whole kissing in public thing but I thought he'd at least be happy to see me. He wouldn't even look at me. "Olive?" "Yea, what?" "Nanotech? For my suit?" "Sure, it sounds like a great idea tin can. I gotta go." I walked away from him quickly, headed in the direction of the training room.

I heard yelling and abruptly stopped. Shit. They would be able to hear me, I'd have to be really quiet. Damn super soldiers. I took slow, deliberate steps towards the open door and stood against the wall.
"Back the hell off, Steve!" I heard Bucky yell. "Is that why you were so eager to stay back with Liv?!" "No you punk, Olivia and I are friends. It's all we'll ever be. It doesn't matter how I feel, you're my best friend and I know how you feel about her!" Bucky yelled back. "Friday?" "Wow come on. This is ridiculous." Bucky groaned. Sorry Steve, I already had him wipe those videos... "Yes. Captain Rogers?" "Can you pull up video footage of Bucky from today?"

"Of course." Wait. What??? Shit, Friday you asshole. She's not programmed to hide things for me yet. I peeked around the corner to try and see the hologram. It was a old video feed of Bucky in the training room and his room. Oh thank god. Friday, I was just kidding, I love you for this. "I told you. I checked on Liv, like you asked, and I've been in here the rest of the day. I wasn't trying to make a move on Olivia."

"And you were just conveniently not going to tell me about how you two have hooked up?" Oh shit. How'd he find that out? "You didn't ask." I rolled my eyes at Bucky's comment. "Don't go near her." "Steve, you can't be serious." "Stay away from her. She's mine." That was definitely his Captain voice and fuck was it hot.

What is wrong with me?

I pulled my head out of the gutter and heard Steve's heavy footsteps walking right towards me. My eyes widened and I tried to move away as quietly and quickly as possible. "Olivia?" I froze and turned around to see Steve. "Hey...I was looking for you." "Yea, I just had to talk to Bucky." He was still fairly closed off but at least he was looking at me. I bit my lip as I stared at him in his suit. That damn suit. It was tight in all the right places and looked so good on him. "Olivia?" "What?" "I asked, what did you need me for?" Right.

"I just wanted to see you." "Well you have. I have to go write a mission report." His response was short and caught me off guard. He walked away quickly, not even giving me a second look. Is he really that pissed about me and Bucky? I huffed and walked into the training room where I found Bucky sitting on the bench, unwrapping his hands.

"Let me help." "No, Liv. It's fine." Okay so he's also moody now. "God. You're both acting like children." I groaned. "You heard that didn't you?" I nodded and Bucky pushed his hair out of his face. "How'd he find out?" I asked softly. "Apparently Tony brought it up on the jet. That we seemed 'close' and that was the reason I offered to stay behind with you. For 'alone time'." I groaned again and silently cursed my brother's big mouth. "Tony doesn't know when to shut up." I mumbled. Bucky laughed a little and I walked up to him, helping him take off the wrap on his hands.

Maybe this was a bad idea. Being near him like this is how I ended up under him in the first place.

I paused and took a step back. "I shouldn't." He gave me a look that screamed 'I told you so' and continued unwrapping his hands himself. "If it makes a difference, he's not mad at you. He's mad at me for not telling him and still having feelings for you." I stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before he started talking again. "He thinks I'm going to take you from him. I can't say that I blame him for thinking that. I was kind of a jerk when it came to women in the 40's." He whispered. I took a deep breath and shifted my weight from one foot to another. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Liv, you should go. Go talk to him." "Sorry, Bucky." I whispered before quietly leaving the room. I needed to find Steve.

I walked through the tower and came to a stop in front of Steve's office. I knew he was probably in here writing a mission report. I knocked on the door lightly and heard a faint 'come in'. I pushed open the door slowly revealing Steve. Except he wasn't alone.

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