Chapter 8

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Olivia's POV

I walk into the hanger and see Bucky waiting for me by the quinjet that Fury sent for us. "Liv." Bucky gave me a quick hug, squeezing me a little tighter, "I'll be with you the whole time." He gave a small smile sensing my hesitance.

"Olive!" I looked over his shoulder and saw Tony making his way towards us. "Where are you going?"

"Fury needs more intel on Hydra. Asked for both of us." I gave him a small smile and he nodded. "Sounds good. Will you be back tonight?" I looked at Bucky for a quick moment and then shook my head, "No, spending the night probably. Lots of files we have to go over, see who's deceased, who might be alive, accomplices, etc."

"Okay, when you get back. We need to talk about Pep's birthday." I nodded and gave him a warm smile.

Bucky and I boarded the jet quickly as the agent took off. He quickly put the jet on autopilot and walked towards Bucky and I, handing me a Hydra catsuit & Bucky's old metal arm and uniform. "Change into these." We quickly changed and met back up with Grant, the SHIELD agent.

"Alright, so here's the deal," he began. "We've been tracking this guy for months, and we finally have a lead. I reached out to him pretending to be Rumlow and told him Anastasia, your old cover, wanted to make a deal with him and she was brining the Winter Solider. So as of right now he think's he's meeting with a high-ranking Hydra official. He gave no indication to me he knew of your real identity."

Bucky and I nodded as I felt a surge of nervousness rush through me. "He goes by the name Wolfgang and has been working with Hydra for decades. I don't need to tell either of you that he's been responsible for some of their most dangerous weapons, including helping fund the Winter Solider program." I felt Bucky tense next to me and I put a reassuring hand on his flesh arm. "I know you both have a history with Hydra, but you need to keep your emotions in check. We can't afford any slip ups, especially if he doesn't know about either of you."

"We understand." I replied firmly. Grant nodded, with a satisfied look on his face. "Good. We'll drop you off at the rendezvous point and you can make your way from there. You can both do this. We'll be watching your every move. In the off chance he checks you for wires or anything, we placed a tracker in your suit. We will also be monitoring all outside traffic cameras." Bucky and I exchange a look but nod anyway.

Grant goes back up to the front of the jet and I look over at Bucky. "You okay?" He took a deep breath and nodded, "yea. You?" "As good as I can be." He pulled me into a hug, "I promise I won't let anything happen to you, Liv." "I know." I pulled away from him and smiled up at him.

"You ready?" Grant asks as he lands the jet and opens the back bay door. "As we'll ever be."

Steve's POV

"Nat!" I whispered, trying to get her attention. She gave a confused look and I waved her over to me. "What?" She whispered and I pointed towards Bucky and Olivia who were getting on a quinjet. "What about them?" She shrugged and I rolled my eyes. "Yesterday Olivia was being secretive about her meeting with Fury and I ranted to Bucky about all of a sudden they're getting on a quinjet together? Is that not suspicious to you??"

Nat shrugged once again, "Fury is secretive." I huffed and looked at her, "we need to follow them." "Steve!" "Now, Nat!" She groaned and rolled her eyes, but agreed anyway. "You owe me, Rogers. If Liv finds out...I'm throwing you under the bus." "Yea, yea. Okay." We watched as their jet took off and quickly got in our own smaller jet. "What are y'all doing?" Tony asked as he approached us. "Nothing, Tony. Just headed to visit Barton." Nat smiled and he nodded suspiciously, "with Rogers?" I nodded. "Yea, Laura asked for him. Something about heavy lifting." I smiled as Nat lied once again.

He bought it, shrugged, and walked away. "Nice thinking, Nat." She smiled at me as our jet took off, tracking there's on the system.

"It looks like they're landing, in Romania...why would they be there?" Nat asked and I shrugged. "I can set the jet down far enough away and we can still follow them." Nat expertly set the jet down and we quickly exited, making our way through the forest to catch up to Bucky and Olivia. We followed them for a bit until they arrived in a small town in Romania. My grip tightened on my shield as we watched them enter a rundown warehouse. "Let's go."

"Steve, I don't think that's a good idea." Nat said and I gave her a pointed look. "Why not?" "Because you could blow whatever Fury sent them here to do." I rolled my eyes and started walking forward but Nat tackled me to the ground. "I can't let you do that. You could put Liv in danger. I'm the spy. We do this my way." She pinned me to the ground and I conceded. "Fine. Just get us in there or at least a visual." She got off of me and pointed at the top of the warehouse. "We can get a better view up there."

I reluctantly followed her and we settled near a skylight. We looked down and saw Bucky, with his Winter Soldier arm, and Olivia talking to multiple armed men. "I don't like this..." I mumbled, my eyes focused on Liv. "What's bothering you?" Nat glanced over at me.

"Olivia...She's putting herself in danger. What if something bad happens in there?" I said, my voice strained. "She can handle herself, Steve. Plus, Bucky is there too. He won't let anything happen to her." She placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I sighed, knowing she was right and that Olivia is a trained agent, she's been undercover before.

As we watched, I couldn't shake the feeling that something would go wrong. I could sense the tension in Olivia's body as her eyes darted around the warehouse. "She's nervous, Nat." I said, my voice barley above a whisper. "Steve..." Nat said. I looked up and her to find armed soldiers around us, guns pointed. "Put the shield down." I cautiously dropped the shield and lifted my arms as they led us to the front of the building.

Collide (Steve Rogers)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz