Chapter 33

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"Keep an eye on Wanda for me when you get there." I said to Nat. "You know we will." She winked at me and pushed me towards Steve. "Be careful, please." "I will." He brought me in for a kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." He gave me one last kiss and pulled away.

"Keep him safe." "I will." Nat winked and I watched them walk away. Sam, Steve, Bucky, and Nat were headed to Europe for some small mission. Meanwhile, Wanda and Vision had taken a mini vacation to the UK to have some time together. The whole dynamic of them confuses me but I'm happy she's happy. She truly deserves it and Vision makes her happy. Even if he is part robot.

I stayed standing in the same spot until their jet took off and flew away. I sighed and made my way back to the tower. This would be a long few months


As months passed, I had heard nothing from Steve or Nat. I hoped they were okay. All I knew is that they were trying to track down Rumlow who had escaped from custody again. But I also knew Steve was careful about talking to me because he didn't want Tony finding Bucky and trying to get all murderous again. I had done nothing but help Tony in the lab or help Pepper with wedding planning. I also met Peter Parker, aka Spider Man, who was now interning for Tony and training with me. And while I was enjoying was getting boring. I flipped through the channels on my TV but nothing stuck out to me. Maybe I could just go shopping. Yea. That's what I'll do. Now to find Tony and his never ending bank account...

"T?" I called out as I stepped into the lab. No response. Maybe he's not here. I walked further in and found Bruce. "Oh hey Bruce! Have you seen Tony?" I asked. "Training room with Rhodey." "Thanks!" I smiled at him and made my way down to the training room where Rhodey and Tony were indeed testing out new suits. "Hey T?" "Yea?" He turned towards me. "I need your card." I smiled and held out my hand. "Use your own trust fund, Olive." "But yours is bigger." I smiled and wiggled my fingers. Tony groaned and handed me his credit card. "Thanks big brother." I kissed his cheek and he wiped it off.

"Hey what do you think of the new suit?" He tapped on the arc reactor and nano tech covered his body. "Nano right!" I smiled and nodded. "Looks great, as would I in a new Chanel dress." Tony rolled his eyes and I smiled, promptly leaving to go shopping. I needed retail therapy.

Hundreds of dollars later as well as many bags...I was loading up the car when Friday started ringing with an alert. But I didn't need Friday to alert me that something was wrong. "Friday..." "Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner have arrived on the scene." I stared wide eyed at the big circular space ship that was descending down into our atmosphere. I quickly got in the car. "Friday, take me there." "Right away."

The car started driving off quickly, letting me out where I saw Tony, Bruce, and a man in a cape standing a good distance away from someone who I can only describe as Squidward and his big, ugly alien pet. "Tony? What's going on?" I asked, looking between the three men. "It's been a weird day since you left Liv..."

"Hear me, and rejoice! You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing too..."

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here!" Tony yelled, cutting off the creature.

"Stonekeeper, does this chattering animal speak for you?" Stonekeeper? What?

"Certainly not. I speak for myself. But you're trespassing in this city and on this planet." The man in the cape replies. "It means get lost Squidward!!!" Tony yells. At least we were thinking the same thing. All of a sudden the large creature next to him roars. "Banner, you want a piece?" Tony asks. "No, not really, but when do I ever get what I want?" Bruce mumbles. "That's right." Tony nods.

Bruce slowly steps forwards and tries to release the Hulk. He grunts for a few seconds, only his neck turning green. "Where's your guy?" Tony asks. "I don't know, we've kind of been having a thing..." Bruce shrugs. "There's no time for a thing.."

"Tony! Bruce!" I cut their conversation off and pointed at the big creature. "Yea okay." Bruce tries again to release the hulk with a loud grunt. I watch as Tony glances over at the caped man and then back to Bruce who is still trying to release Hulk. "'re embarrassing me in front of wizards..." Tony whispers. Oh my god. Tony...

"Tony, I'm sorry...either I can't or he won't." Bruce shrugs and Tony engages his new nano tech Iron Man suit. "It's fine. Would you keep an eye on him, Liv?" I nod and Tony walks forward a bit to blast his repulsor at the large creature.

A fight starts and I realize that Bruce and I are quite helpless at this point. I don't even have my catsuit on...the creature starts running at us and before we even have a chance to react, Bruce and I fall into an orange portal and land in a park. "What the hell?" I look around. "Yea he does that..." "Who is he?" "Doctor Strange." Bruce replies. I shake my head and look around. "Well what do we do?"

"We need to get into contact with Steve. He'll know where Vision is. Can you?" I nod and pull out the flip phone that Steve gave me. "Why do we need Vision?" I ask. "It's a long story but to make it short...they're after him. They're after the mind stone in his head. If they get to it before we do...there will be major consequences." I nod and look at Steve's number.

"I'll call Steve you...while you try to Hulk Smash some things."

"I'm trying, I'm trying." Bruce again tries to bring the hulk out. Suddenly Tony comes crashing into the park. "Tony??" Tony groans slightly and sits up.

"Tony, you okay? How we doing? Good? Bad?" Bruce asks. "Really, really good. Really good. Do you plan on helping out?" Tony asks, standing up.

"I'm trying...he won't come out." The creature arrives in the park and Tony pushes me out of the way as his hammer comes flying at me. I scream at the sudden push and land face first into the dirt, the phone flying out of my hands. "Sorry, hammer! Bruce now please!"

Tony flies at the creature, blasting him with everything he's got. "Olivia, punch me." Bruce says, helping me up. "What??" "Punch me." I shrug and land a right hook right on Bruce's face. "OW!" Bruce yells. "Sorry!" "No, keep going." He sits up on his knees and I look at him unsure. "Just hit me!" I start hitting him, trying to get the Hulk out. "Come on, Hulk! What are you doing to me! Come out!"

All of a sudden his head comes out, "NO!" Hulk yells. "What do you mean no??" I ignore him fight with his multiple personality as I watch Tony get hit down again but then someone fly by in a spider costume...Peter. "What's up Mr. Stark!" He yells. "Kid?? Where'd you come from?" Tony asks. "Field trip!" The creature then grabs him while he's distracted and throws him back but Peter bounds back around with his webbing. "What's this guy's problem Mr. Stark?"

"He's from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard." Tony replies.They keep fighting the creature together and I look around for the dropped phone. Suddenly, Doctor Strange's body flies through the park. "Kid, that's the wizard. Get on it."

"On it!" Peter yells and swings after him. I watch as the creature lunges at Tony and is sent through a portal by another man, his arm being sliced off. "Wong. You're invited to my wedding."

"Mr. Stark! I'm being beamed up!!" I hear Peter yell. "Hang on kid!" Tony flies away and I look back at Bruce and Wong. Wong opens a portal quickly. "Where are you going?" Bruce asks him. "The time stone has been taken. The Sanctum remains unguarded. What will you do?" He asks us.

I hold up the flip phone that is now a little damaged from being apparently stepped on by the big large ugly creature. "We're gonna make a phone call."

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