Chapter 10

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Olivia's POV

I sat in the back of the car with Rumlow smirking at me. I felt my heart thumping loudly in my chest as I looked over at Bucky who was going in and out of consciousness. "What did you give him?" I asked and Rumlow shrugged. "Something strong." He gave me another smirk as the car pulled up to an abandoned building. "Get out." He pointed his gun at me and motioned for me to step out of the vehicle. I slowly got out and he grabbed my arm, pushing me forward into the building.

Bucky and I found ourselves restrained in a dimly lit room. Rumlow had left for a brief moment allowing us a moment to try to escape. "Olivia, I can't get out of these." Bucky sighed and struggled against the vibranium, still weak from whatever Rumlow had him injected with.

Rumlow briskly walked into the room with a sinister grin on his face. "What do you want, Rumlow?" I asked, my voice betraying me. "Simple." He walked over to Bucky who struggled against the restraints as they took a large vile of blood from his arm. "I want to continue Hydra's mission. Create a perfect world." He held up the vile of blood and walked over towards me. "And that starts with an army of super soldiers." My heart raced as he walked closer to me. "He gets to be the Winter Soldier again, and you...we'll find a fitting name for you."

"Rumlow I swear to god, leave her alone." Bucky growled, his arms straining against the vibranium. "Imagine that. Olivia Stark...a mindless weapon of Hydra. I bet daddy would be so disappointed in you. Joining the organization that had him killed." I pulled against the restraints as he got closer. "Don't struggle. You'll find that you don't have much of a choice here." Rumlow lined the syringe up with my arm. "DON'T!" Bucky yelled, desperate to break free.

Slowly the needle pressed into my arm as a loud bang sounded outside of the facility we were in. Rumlow paused and whipped his head in the direction of the double door. Some came flying through them. Steve's shield. Rumlow let out a low growl and emptied the syringe of blood into my arm. Steve came bursting through the door as Rumlow quickly started shooting at him.

My heart was pounding with adrenaline and I could feel all of my muscles tensing. Quickly behind Steve was a small group of SHEILD agents and Natasha. They quickly subdued the remaining Hydra agents and Rumlow. Steve was quickly by my side, his expression a mix of concern, relief, and anger. "Are you okay?" He quickly broke the restraints and held me carefully. I nodded, still in a bit of a daze. "Rumlow injected her with my blood." Bucky said as Nat freed him. "What?" Steve's eyes widened and he looked back at me with concern. "I'm okay." I squeezed his arm but I could tell he didn't believe me.

"We need to get them back." One of the agents said as they walked Rumlow and some of the other Hydra members out of the building. "We need Bruce to check you out. We don't know what that injection will do to you." Steve said firmly, grabbing my hand. I nodded, my mind still reeling from the entire experience. We slowly made our way back to the quinjet, my hand remaining in Steve's.

A while later, we arrived back at the Tower. Steve quickly escorted me to the medical bay where Dr. Banner was waiting for us. The entire time, Steve remained at my side. Bruce ran a series of tests and carefully examined my blood in comparison to Steve and Bucky's.

After a few minutes of tense silence, Bruce spoke up. "Well, the good news is that I don't see any traces of the serum in your blood. The bad news is, that it could maybe take a few days to fully acclimate to your blood. I would recommend you come back every day for the next week just to make sure." I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't know I was holding in. Steve could sense the worry still etched in my face and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Liv, are you okay?" I nodded with a small smile, but it didn't quite meet my eyes. I felt bad about lying to him and even worse that this happened.

"You're good to go, Olivia."

"Thanks Banner." I mumbled and got off of the medical table. "Careful Liv." Steve held onto me as I was a bit unsteady. Tony and Pepper quickly burst into the med bay, beelining towards me. "Olivia?! Oh thank god." Pepper said as Tony pulled me into a bone crushing hug before pulling away and checking me over for injuries. "Banner?" "She's fine as of right now, Tony."

"Good." He said as Pepper pushed him out of the way to wrap me in her own hug. "I'm so glad you're okay." I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back, "I'm okay." She pulled away and put her hands on my cheeks. "I have words for Fury." She said and Tony nodded in agreement. "When I'm done with him..."

"Tony." I cut him off and he stared at me. "It's fine. Bucky and I agreed to it." He shook his head. "Don't care. He endangered my little sister. I don't care if he was the goddamn president. He's going to be hearing from me." Pepper gave me one last look over before pulling Steve into a hug, "Thank you." She whispered. Pepper gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before her and Tony walked away. Probably to go yell at Fury.

"Let me walk you to your room." Steve said and held onto me as we walked through the tower and to my room. "Thank you, Steve." I smiled at him as we stood at my door. He returned my smile and turned around to walk across the hallway into his room. "Steve?" "Yea?" He turned around and his blue eyes met mine. I quickly approached him and crashed my lips onto his. His hands found my waist as he kissed back, backing us up into my room and shutting the door with his foot. I ran my hands under his shirt and over his toned chest. His hands mimicked mine and he quickly pulled my shirt off over my head. His own shirt quickly followed as our tongues fought for dominance.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. "Wait, Liv." We were both breathing heavily and he glanced into my eyes. "We should talk Liv." "Yea, yea you're right. I owe you an apology." He chucked a little and shook his head. "You did what you thought was right. I'll admit, when Nat and I followed you guys...I was ready to burst in there." I rolled my eyes and ran my hands along his biceps until I was holding his hands. "You have no idea how much of a wreck I was Olivia. I couldn't think straight." I sat down on the edge of my bed, holding his hands in mine. "I'm sorry." He shook his head once again, "It's not your fault."

"I didn't want to lie to you Steve." I whispered and he kneeled in front of me. "I know. I'm sorry I was pushy but in all honesty, you make me crazy." I laughed as he gave me one of his signature smiles. "Seriously Liv. God you're so hard headed and stubborn and I hate that I'm so attracted to you." I smiled and leaned forward to press my lips against his. "I hate that I'm attracted to you too." I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and smiled at him. "I realize this means you've saved my ass twice now." He laughed and shook his head, "I'll always save you."

"Then I guess I owe you a proper thank you..."

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