Chapter 18

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Steve's POV

"You pissed Liv off. What did you do, Rogers?" Tony asked as the quinjet took off. "I didn't do anything Tony. Olivia is just Olivia." I could see Nat and Wanda smirking out of the corner of my eye but ignored them. "Nice of Bucky to stay with her." Tony remarked. Yea because I asked him too.

"Did you know those two used know." Tony said, a look of disgust crossing his face. What?? His whole body shook, "Gross to think about. But it's obvious he has feelings for Olive and just wanted some alone time." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Tony, why do you know that?" Nat asked. "She's my sister. We talk. We don't totally hate each other. Plus I asked her when I brought her here. She and Barnes seemed close."

I stood there rigidly. How had Bucky never mentioned this to me before?? I was pissed. I clenched and unclenched my jaw as Tony continued to run his mouth. "Steve?" Wanda pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yea?" "Are you alright?" She asked. "Yea. All good." She looked at me for a minute and sighed. "You're lying." "Just, stay out of my head." I snapped. A bit more aggressive than I wanted it to sound. Wanda backed off and left me alone in my thoughts.

Bucky always had to have the girl. Why would this one be any different? Damnit. They had a history too. I haven't had the chance to take her on a date yet. I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend. We just had a moment where we said we wanted to see where this goes. What if that all changes because I made her stay back alone with Bucky. I feel like an idiot.

"Rogers." Nat pulled me out of my head and I looked at her. "Let's go." I nodded and grabbed my shield that was leaning against the wall of the jet. "You okay?" She asked quietly as we followed behind the rest of the team. "I don't know." I replied, honestly. "He knows how much you like her, Steve. He wouldn't." "Yea, sure." I raised my eyebrows and fastened the shield on my back.

"Okay team. Here's the plan. "Thor, Steve, and I, we will go in the front. Wanda, Clint, and Nat, you'll go in the back. Look for the Vibranium and copy files. We'll keep him busy." Tony passes Nat a usb drive and she nods. "If you see Ultron, don't engage." I said and the team nodded. We divided into our teams and Tony, Thor, and I walked towards the front entrance of the warehouse.

"Ah! Mr. Stark! So nice of you to join me. And the righteous Captain America." Klaude clapped his hands as we approached him. "Tell me about the Vibranium? What is he doing with it?" Tony asked, holding up one of his hands, the repulsor ready to go off. "Evolving." Klaude's eyes widened as a smirk played on his lips.

Olivia's POV

"Shit, Liv. This is a bad idea." Bucky pulled away slightly and I sat up. Our kiss had gotten more intense and I was now on top of him on the couch. "No it's not." I leaned back down, pressing our lips together as my body moved against his. "Olivia. You have to stop or I won't be able to." "I don't want you to." I whispered.

With that, he flipped us over onto the couch, pinning my body to the couch under him. My hands ran through his hair, tugging on it gently. He groaned into the kiss and I felt his metal hand slide up the side of my top. I flinched at the cold sensation and he pulled away abruptly. "Hey. Stop. It was just cold, I'm not scared of you." I said, looking into his blue gray eyes. I placed one of my hands on top of it and moved it further up my body. "Liv-" "I'm not scared of you. I wasn't then, and I'm not now." I pulled him back down and released his hand. He kept it on my waist for a few moments before trailing it up my side and then pulling the top over my head.

He took his shirt off next and pressed our exposed chests together as he captured my lips in another passionate kiss. His hands rested on my upper body, gently squeezing and kneading the soft skin. "You're beautiful, Liv." Bucky whispered, his breath hot against my neck as he trailed kisses down my neck and shoulder.

"Bucky..." I moaned, a pool of wetness starting to form between my legs. I felt his lips graze over my chest, moving lower towards my leggings. "Liv, are you sure?" Bucky's eyes flicked up towards my own. I nodded quickly and his hands gripped the band of my leggings. He paused and sat up, passing me my shirt. "Bucky?" I held it over my chest, not quite putting it on as he pushed off the couch and started pacing around the room. "Fuck." He ran his hand through his hair. "Livvy, I can't do this. He's my best friend. You don't know how much he cares about you." He whispered. "You're not just a fling to him, Liv, you mean something to him. You make him happy and ten times less grouchy."

I sat up and slid the shirt back over my body. "Buck, I'm sorry." "Don't be. It was my fault. I brought up our past. I know the connection you and Steve had. I shouldn't have even let you kiss me. I'll be in the training room." He said quickly and exited the room. I groaned and fell back down on the couch.

What the hell was I doing? I really, really liked Steve. I knew I wanted more from him. I shouldn't have gone there with Bucky. I knew better. "Friday?" "Yes. Ms. Stark?" "Can you erase all footage from the past 2 hours from the living room and training room?" "Of course.....Footage erased. Anything else Ms. Stark?" I sighed and flipped onto my stomach. "When will the team be back?" "They are on their way back now."

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