s1-chapter 16

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WHILE the holiday season and winter season had ended, I remembered that December had now just passed

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WHILE the holiday season and winter season had ended, I remembered that December had now just passed. The next month was going to be a new year, and it was just a week until I graduated from college, and us colleagues were having an holiday.

I didn't feel any excitement or sadness over leaving college, as I had already gotten used to it during my days in high school.

Besides that, ever since the day shun confessed his love to me, I hadn't been able to find proper sleep due to the constant memories that would come into my head every time I tried resting.

That day kept appearing to me like an uninvited guest, and I just wanted to get some peace and quiet, but the memories kept haunting me.

However, the following week, things took a very strange turn. Shun began to act very clingy, always clinging to me every chance he got. He also started asking me personal questions, such as my favorite food, my favorite colors, and many more.

It was like he wanted to know everything about me and suddenly felt very attached to me.

I didn't think too much about it. I didn't mind if shun wanted to know everything about me, since many people like to learn more about each other when starting a romantic relationship. However, I didn't want him to ask about my past, since it was a sensitive issue for me.

I threw away my thoughts and kept getting ready to go out with shun, since I had already promised to go on the date with him that I was starting to regret, but did so anyway. I was standing in front of the vanity table in the bedroom, wearing magnetic earrings that I thought were especially cute.

As I continued to get ready in the bedroom, my eyes noticed a diamond ring in its box resting on the vanity table. I had already put my earrings on my ears, but the diamond ring made me wonder if I actually wanted to wear it.

I thought for a while, pondering on what would happen if I put on the diamond ring. All of a sudden, the door swung open and I heard the familiar sound of shun's voice.

"Ah-" the sound came from his lips.

"Ah-" the sound came from his lips

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