side story

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TWO little children, playing at the park, tagging eachother. Fuyuki kiyosaki, the little boy being the runner. Running away from his best friend, kamisaki aozora as the tagger.

"Hey! wait up", said the tagger while running to catch up with her best friend, fuyuki. "You better hurry up before i go further" giggles softly, the little boy named fuyuki running

while saying it to kamisaki. Huff tiredly, Kamisaki accidentally fell because of the small rock was in her way when she tried to catch up to fuyuki.


she grunts. Then a teenager was running fastly, towards to the park but the teenager took a quick glance at kamisaki with her leg injured. Therefore, the teenager went to kamisaki and asked to kamisaki "are u okay?"

With his hand being handed out, for her to reach in order to stand. And a soft small smile, was being shown to kamisaki. Her eyes were focused on the teenager's pretty face, she couldn't resist herself from looking away.

Kamisaki left the teenager hanging, she was distracted until the teenager asks again,"are you okay?"

Hearing his voice again hits her, the realization hits after hearing his soft voice once again. Kamisaki knew it wasn't fuyuki's voice, it was someone else. She wanted to know who, looks up to the person's appearance.

Cyber grape hair coloured, soft violet eyes with full of sparkles, a gorgeous feminine face. But his/her outfit wasn't just it, it's an high schooler.

 But his/her outfit wasn't just it, it's an high schooler

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Kamisaki didn't think about their gender. She, all of sudden gave a cold gaze to the teenager. The teenager's hand shooks, the atmosphere between them is slowly becoming awkward until someone interuppts..


Fuyuki's loud voice calling for kamisaki unfreeze the both of them, he was calling for her as he continued running."what the hell.." kamisaki murmurs, which made the teenager's hand shake.
Fuyuki stops as he got near to his best friend, kamisaki.

He hands out his hand for kamisaki to reach, and kamisaki accepts. The teenager stops, and puts away his hand to its original place even though the teenager was the first one to ask.

To fuyuki's view, the teenager looked upset. Fuyuki was also distracted by its beauty, eyes,face got fuyuki confused though."fuyuki?" kamisaki calls him, after she stood up.

Thanks to him.

Fuyuki, then immediately looks at kamisaki with a small sound,"hm?oh, are you okay?" Fuyuki remember of what to ask, but that isn't why kamisaki called him for.

"yeah I'm fine, thanks-
"Are you a female or a male?"

a sudden question starts to flustered the teenager. From a question from fuyuki, he acts like it's just a really-nothing question. Kamisaki, then raised one of her eyebrows, realizing how stupid her best friend is.

"is that person wearing a skirt? no, right? It's a male, stupid" kamisaki stated about the teenager's appearance, but the way she spoke is slightly rude. "oh right, I got confused because of his beauty. sorry sir"

Fuyuki apologize because of his question he asked before, he bows. the teenager had a small blush on his face, and fuyuki compliments again but different pronouns,

"I'm really sorry, i thought you were a female at first..your beauty is incredibly gorgeous"

The little boy, fuyuki kiyosaki compliment the teenager. The teenager didn't know what kind of reaction to make, but thanked. "thanks.." he spoke with soft voice, but tilted his head after.

The little girl, kamisaki aozora raised a eyebrow when he smiled. She glares darkly, with her bitting her lip."what's with the tilt?" She murmurs, and fuyuki's ear is all open up.

He heard of what kamisaki murmur. Kamisaki saying that, she earns a small punch from fuyuki at the shoulder because how rude she is."can you atleast be nice to someone for once?" Fuyuki asks her annoyingly, having enough of her attitude.

Which lets the teenager hear their conversation, but about what kamisaki said. The teenager remain calm. Before saying anything, he kneels down to their height.

He kneels down."it's okay, I really don't mind but...are you okay?" He asks, with his eyes looking at kamisaki, kamisaki took a glance at her leg.

While fuyuki, was confused about what did the teenager meant. Fuyuki notice teenager's eyes were looking at, looking at kamisaki's injured leg. He shouts,


kamisaki and the teenager reacts at the same time, they were both
startled by fuyuki's loud's voice. a few seconds, he began to cry his tears out. It didn't panick kamisaki, but the teenager instead.

"Huh?!" The teenager panicked, he doesn't really know how to stop children's crying. the teenager was clueless on that time, a few seconds, he remembers again something.

He quickly took his bagpack that was hanging on his shoulders, messing up inside of it and found 2 snack bars of chocolate."don't cry, will these cheer you both up?" He hands out the snack bars, kamisaki and the litte boy, fuyuki glance at the snack bars.

Fuyuki didn't cry anymore, he immediately stops after seeing the snack bars that's being handed out. He drools for the snack bars, fuyuki didn't feel embarrassed or anything, he just took one for himself.

While kamisaki, she hesitated to have it. The teenager seems to notice it, he smiles softly."do you want do it for you?" The teenager meant about putting a plaster bandage on her injured knee, with the plaster bandage on his hand.

Preparing to put it on if she accepts, but then, she lowered her skirt. It could be a sign of her being uncomfortable, the teenager noticed and lets out another smile.

"I'm yuzuriha ikuzu, I'll be your nurse for today. As a nurse, you must trust m for me to treat your wounds."

yuzuriha acts like a nurse, treating kamisaki as a patient. Kamisaki felt safe when he acts like one, therefore, she puts both of her hand behind her.

"i trust you" the words soften yuzuriha's heart, he giggles.

After that, they both sat on a bench near them. They would ask about eachother, yuzuriha knows them both while they also knows about yuzuriha.

They both felt safe with eachother, they would meet everyday at the park. Yuzuriha acts a teacher with them both, even a comforter. They did so many things together for 8 years. they truly trust eachother honestly.

UNTIL ONE DAY, yuzuriha disappeared at the age of 18, while they were 15. They didn't meet eachother again, just like before. their friendship starts to slowly falls apart from eachother, kamisaki and fuyuki wonders where did their beloved friend go?

To kamisaki, yuzuriha was just like a teacher and even a father-figure.

To fuyuki, yuzuriha was just a caring person. He liked yuzuriha so much, not in a romantic way. One wish from fuyuki, he wish to meet him once again.

Where did yuzuriha actually go?


(Kamisaki & fuyuki aren't in the story of ytr. They are from another story. Check their author! → Adiawaffle)



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