s1-chapter 7

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AT the end, yuzuriha invited kamisaki and fuyuki if they wanted to join on their date, maybe not a date anymore, but a hangout! Kamisaki and fuyuki had more time before their tuition starts, therefore, they accepted the invitation.

However, because of that invitation, shun was annoyed since he expected to be alone with yuzuriha.

Well not this time.


JUST what is going on right now? I planned to just have date with shun while bringing lalisa, but then it was such a coincidence when i met kamisaki and fuyuki once again.

If I could predict, shun was probably pissed off ny now since he couldn't get a chance alone with me. Which was good! I needed lalisa to follow or shun would just cling onto me.

"One, two, three! Woah-" lalisa was caught by shun when we were walking towards the café. The ground was slippery since it was snowing. Besides that, Kamisaki and fuyuki was walking behind us as we were infront of them.

"Be careful, princess." Shun scolded lalisa. He didn't want lalisa to play around in the snow. Therefore, he carried her in his arms.

"Uncle!! I don't want to be carried!!" Lalisa made a fuss in his arms. By that, I could really tell that fuyuki and kamisaki felt awkward from behind.

"Ugh. Fine. Just hold uncle's hands." Shun let his hand be held by the little girl. She was dropped onto the group and started walking while holding his hand.

After awhile of walking, we arrived at the café. Shun pushed the door forward and let lalisa and me entered first. Afterward, he released the door handle and let it slammed on kamisaki's face.

"Are you serious? Can't you open it for them?" I told him to, but he refused to.

"No." Shun replied. At the end, kamisaki was forced to open the door. She didn't want any help.

"Unclee, i wanna go pee pee." Lalisa whined out when i reached at the table where we were gonna sit. I chuckled at her statement.

"What? Gosh, you didn't even drink anything, sweetie. Come." Shun rolled his eyes and carried the little girl in his arms. They were walking to the restroom.

Ikept laughing at the sight as I sat down at the table. Kamisaki and fuyuki sat infront of me across the table. Though, I was disturbed when kamisaki said one word that got my attention.


"How I end up with him? I like him, of course." All the things I said about him was lies. Kamisaki shouldn't know the truth. It'll just get the situation even more worse.

"Him? His whole personality is shitty." Kamisaki rolled her eyes. She was the type to not like people easily. Fuyuki then tapped her hand, probably sign for her to stop.

But what kamisaki said was something I could agree of. Shun would sometimes act like a jerk.

"It's yuzu-chan's life. Leave him be." Fuyuki interuppted kamisaki. It was obvious that he wanted to have the chance to join in the conversation. "How are you, yuzu-chan?" Fuyuki lit the mood by smiling.

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