s1-chapter 15

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"W-why does everyone say that i look like a girl..?" A young boy with violet haired was sitting at the playground all alone inside the slide. He was sobbing to himself, and it felt like he was having a hard time.

He seemed like a shy kid, and it looked like he needed some kindness from someone.

No one heard him until another young boy did.

The young boy with blond hair crouched down to peek inside the slide. He saw the boy with violet hair crying all by himself. "Hey. I want to use the slide. Can you leave?" The boy with blond hair asked rudely.

The boy with violet hair stayed silent, as he continued to let out tears. The blond boy realized he wasn't getting a reply, so he decided to enter the slide, and sat next to the violet boy. "S..stop crying. You're acting like a baby. how old are you?" The blond boy questioned.

The violet boy looked at the blond boy who was sitting next to him. "8, y..you?" The violet boy asked back.

"I'm 10 years old," The blond boy stared at the violet boy's face with a curious expression. He noticed that the violet boy's face was very feminine. Even his body, his eyes, and his lips looked very childlike. His face looked like a girl.

"Hey, are you a girl..?" The blond boy asked with full of curiosity.

"W...what? Y..you think i look like a girl too?!" The violet boy cried harder when he heard the blond boy asking if he was a girl.

The blond boy sighed and started to panic a little bit, as the violet boy was crying in a mess. The blond boy tried his best to think of how to calm the violet boy down, but he was at a loss.

The blond boy checked around his surroundings for anything that would help, and when he felt something stuffed inside his pocket, he took it out. He uncovered a chocolate bar, and realized this might be just the thing to make the violet boy feel better.

"H..here! Eat this!" The blond boy quickly handed the chocolate bar over to the violet boy. The violet boy glanced at the chocolate bar and his cries slowed down.

"F..for me?" The violet boy asked for confirmation. The blond boy nodded quickly, waiting for the violet boy to take the chocolate bar away.

The violet boy's cries died down when he took the chocolate bar in his hands. The blond boy sighed in relief and continued to watch the violet boy, who was now unwrapping the chocolate bar. He wasn't crying anymore, and the blond boy observed him closely, trying to see what his reaction would be.

"You're pretty. Why are you crying about that?" The blond boy suddenly complimented the violet boy's feminine look.

"N..no, I'm not! I'm n..not pretty! I'm not a girl! I'm a boy!" The violet boy denied as he quickly shook his head.

The blond boy sighed, "whatever. What you have right now is rare." Said the blond boy.


"Yeah, it's very rare to see a boy with a girl face. You could definitely be considered as having the prettiest face of any girl out there. Plus, when you get older your face can easily beat the looks of other girls."

The blond boy was surprised at how feminine the violet boy looked and said that he could definitely be considered the prettiest of girls out there. He also added how the violet boy's beauty could easily beat other girls when he grows up and reaches adulthood.

The violet boy blushed at the compliment, though he refused to listen and accept. "B..but i don't want to look like a girl! I want to look manly.." said the violet boy.

"You can't look manly with that face. Just accept it," the blond boy stopped. "B...but i can be manly...for y...you." the blond boy shyly spoke as he hid his face by looking away. The violet boy who was busy munching on the chocolate bar became surprised.

"do you like me?" The violet boy asked.

"Like you?! Of course not! We just met!"

"But some people can like eachother in their first met..."

The blond boy's face flared up with a blush as he realized he had said something unusual. He wasn't himself as he said he would be manly for the beautiful feminine violet boy.

It seemed like the blond boy was out of his mind, maybe because he felt attracted to the violet boy and he was letting his feelings get the best of him.

"F.. forget what i said. It wasn't true." Said the blond boy, brushing away the previous topic.

The violet boy giggled, and its sweet sound made the blond boy feel something deep inside his heart. He felt attracted to the violet boy, but he was aware that it was too soon to have such feelings, as they had just met each other for the first time.

The blond boy didn't know the violet boy's name. Therefore, the blond boy asked for his name,"W.. what's your name..?"

The violet boy paused his giggles, "it's...u...um y... yuzuriha.."

The blond boy nodded after getting his name, it was time for him to share his own name. But then suddenly yuzuriha looked outside and realized it was starting to get late in the afternoon and the sun was already beginning to set.

"My name is-"

"I'm sorry! I..i have to go!" Said yuzuriha as he quickly dashed out of the slide.

The blond boy who didn't get a chance to say his name, watched as yuzuriha ran outside the slide. The blonde boy tried his best to keep up, but yuzuriha was already running away. The blonde boy could only shout out to yuzuriha.

"Wait don't go! Please don't run away!"




Yuzuriha suddenly sat up in bed, his heart pounding and his breath coming out fast. His mind was filled with an old memory that had surfaced while he slept. Yuzuriha was having such a hard time breathing and was even sweating, and it was already midnight.

Everyone else had already gone to sleep around him, while yuzuriha was having such a hard time trying to control his breath and his body was burning up.

The person laying next to him was shun, who had awoken and sat up in bed, groaning. Shun had been utterly exhausted after the long Christmas day, but he managed to sit up in bed next to yuzuriha and wanted to know what was bothering him.

"Honey, it's 3am. What's the matter-" shun paused.

Shun was very surprised when he saw yuzuriha sitting on his side, letting tears fall down his cheek. Shun immediately wrapped his arms around yuzuriha and hugged him warmly.

Shun could sense that yuzuriha was in a very emotional state, so he embraced him to provide him with some comfort.

"Shh, don't cry. I'm right here," shun comforted yuzuriha gently, patting his back.

Yuzuriha didn't really know what was happening with his feelings that had suddenly overcome him, after he was brought back into an old memory in his sleep.

Yuzuriha chose to stay silent but let his tears do all the talking, as he couldn't control the emotions he felt welling inside of him.

"I'm right here, honey. Keep crying," shun said warmly. "Let out all those tears into my shoulder. I'll be the one to comfort you. I'll be the one to solve your tears and ease your heart break."
Shun was the one holding yuzuriha and giving him the comfort he needed.

He let yuzuriha cry, letting all of his tears fall on his shoulder, and promised to be the one to wipe away his sadness and ease his heartbreak.

To be continued...

YOU'RE THE REASON Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora