s1-chapter 1

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A good day to start a new one day, with a breathtaking weather. There were many white clouds, flying through the light blue sky.

Walking through the hallway of the college, an omega colleague named yuzuriha ikuzu, the prettiest out of the girls and boys colleagues. Besides beauty, yuzuriha has the brain of intelligence. But his personality and his life wasn't so beautiful as his face, the coldness in him was unbelievable.


ACCORDING to the clock time, it was 8am in the morning. All colleagues rushed towards to their lectures. Meanwhile, yuzuriha arrived the earliest. At the moment, he was wearing his earphones inside his ear buds and feeling cozy in his clothes.

 At the moment, he was wearing his earphones inside his ear buds and feeling cozy in his clothes

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Scrolling through his phone with a pounting face. He felt alone inside the empty lecture room. There were no-one entering the room this early. A few strands of his violet hair fell into his eyes. It hurted and shocked him.

The sounds of the air conditioner started to annoy yuzuriha more. It was never like this before. People wouldn't be this late. Because of his boredom, he took off his earphones from his ears buds. He decided to exit the lecture room to walk somewhere else.

Few seconds, he was about to unstuck his butt from the chair he has been sitting. Until, someone pushed him down on the chair again on the shoulders. "Where are you going?" Yuzuriha gasped when he heard the voice near and clear into his ear.

"Fushiguro, don't do that..." Yuzuriha brushed off the person's hands from his shoulders.

"Answer my question and I'll listen." The person named fushiguro wrapped their hands around yuzuriha's neck from behind, slightly kissing yuzuriha's pink cheeks.

"Stop that.." yuzuriha blushed out of nowhere when he felt short pecks. He glanced at fushiguro, seeing his handsome yet cute face. "You're late." Yuzuriha turned his voice into coldness.

"No, I'm not. It's 8am just now." Fushiguro placed his face near yuzuriha's, and it was enough to be kissed instantly. Afterward, fushiguro continued placing his face near yuzuriha. Fushiguro wanted to have a good look on yuzuriha.


Yuzuriha commanded seriously, while fushiguro was thinking it as joke. "Nooo~" fushiguro teased yuzuriha as he placed his face nearer.

A few seconds then, yuzuriha punched the top of fushiguro's head aggressively. Because of that, fushiguro groaned in pain. Yuzuriha was irritated by the actions of fushiguro, that he had to bonk his head.

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