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"I just can't believe it."

"Yeah me either." Taehyun let out, as he was sitting next to his sulking bestie Hueningkai. They were outside on the very left side of a concrete staircase which leads up to gym 1, it's used mainly by freshmen.

"I'd always tell Yeonjun how much I liked Soobin." Hueningkai started, looking blandly ahead. "And my plan to ask him to the dance.. a-and he goes and pulls some shit like that!" He screamed, full blown pissed.

Taehyun blinked from surprise because hearing the other swear never happens. "Woah."

"Sorry, I'm around Hobi too much." Hueningkai murmured, scratching his caramel locks. "But ugh I'm upset." He pouted.

"You have every right to." Taehyun said, patting Hueningkai's back. "I'd see how Yeonjun would encourage you to ask Soobin. But wow never did it cross my mind that he'd stoop this low. Have you talked to him?"

"No." Hueningkai shrugged, and looked at Taehyun. "And I don't want to. Whatever it happened. Nothing I can do." He sighed, taking out the two tickets from his backpack and stood up going towards a trashcan.

"Aw what are you doing?" Taehyun asked.

"What's the point of still having these if I have no one to go with." Hueningkai said and ripped the tickets, dropping the shreds of white paper in the trash.

Taehyun walked over next to the other, staring at him with worry. it bothered him deeply to see Hueningkai this down. So damn used to seeing those lips curved in a smile, laugh so contagious it caused others to laugh with him.

"Man that's too bad." Taehyun let out, and reached into his pocket.

"I know right." Hueningkai blew a puff of air out his circled shaped lips, with his arms crossed. "It's the staying home for me."

"I mean I don't know what I'm gonna do with these." Taehyun said.
Hueningkai turnt to him and he froze up, feet stuck to the ground, eyes widened to see Taehyun holding two dance tickets, each in one hand.


"Oh wait yeah I do." Taehyun gave a grin at the other, and held out one of the tickets. "Wanna go to the dance with me?"

Hueningkai stared taken very aback. First of all why was his throat dry? Second, why did he feel his heart pump faster against his chest? and third was he blushing? His face did feel hot like summer.

"Oh my" Hueningkai slipped out in awe.

"So that a yes?"

"When I ride the dick imma spell my name ah." Jin sang along to the song blasting from his phone.

He was making his way to an area where he and Namjoon agreed to meet up right after school. Cup of green apple slushie in his other hand as his feet moved along the pavement sidewalk, moving to the song. And on his way he may have walked past Lisa and Jennie making out near a bush. Ohshitmane.

The song finished and he let it go silent, slurping up the last remains of his drink then chucked the cup into a trashcan. He arrived to a spot where there are benches lined in a row and plopped on one. There he sat waiting and waiting, scrolling through Instagram on his phone, swaying his dangling feet forward and back. It was rather peaceful really with the birds chirping nearby, on the ground leaves being swished due to the wind. Yes this felt nice. He felt one with nature. Like what could possibly ruin it.

"Hey Seokjin!!"

Suddenly he heard a call of his name, and he had expected it to be his tall boyfriend. However he lifted his head to see there coming his way was someone else..smaller and mochier.

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