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"Come on, come on." Jimin begged, his phone to his ear, hoping for an answer. But disappointment was on his face when it went straight to voicemail.

For like the hundredth damn time.

"Damn it." Jimin complained.

"Dude, do you wanna get your phone taken away?" Jin mumbled towards Jimin's direction in his desk.

Jimin scoffed, giving the other an annoyed look. "Jin this teacher doesn't care if we're on our phones, plus he's way too busy on his computer to pay attention to us." Jimin said, then groaned staring his phone down. "Gosh why won't they answer?"

"They're probably asleep, cuddling like a  couple." Jin joked.

"Eesh, why would you say that." Jimin fake gagged. "If they were gay, oh my god I'd un friend them."

"I was kidding geez you baby. I know they're straight." Jin tsked. "It'd be impossible for them to be gay."


"I just really need to talk to them." Jimin bit his lip, and then was lost in his train of thought. "Right after school imma just go to their apartment, and see what the fuck is going on." Jimin decided, and Jin let out a small laugh.

"Wow you are way too desperate to see those two." Jin commented.

"Because they have some.. Stuff I need...hopefully." Jimin coughed actually feeling unsure, and nervous that his palms felt sweaty.

"Yikes." Jin made a hiss sound. "I mean what if they did get killed like you said earlier."

"Please don't say that."

"Hey I'm just saying, obviously they didn't." Jin finished, and then went to working on the assignment on his desk.

Jimin sighed, and set his phone face down on his desk then just laid his chin on his palm, letting his eyes scatter around the classroom. Really hoping those two didn't actually get killed. Cause then it'd be all his fault for having sent them to do the job. Just the thought of them being dead sent chills down his spine. He really wanted to get that out of his mind, then his eyes landed on Hoseok who was on the other side of Jin's desk just sat at his desk, working on an assignment.

Jimin with a blank expression, looked down at his journal and ripped a sheet of paper out from it, then he crumbled it up into a ball, and chucked it over Jin's head hitting Hoseok right on the side of his head.

Well damn.

Hoseok blinked, and stopped writing. He looked up, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Who threw that?" Hoseok asked aloud.

Jimin raised his hand, and said with a bright smile. "Oh I did!"

"And um why did you?" Hoseok asked, dropping his pencil down, and glaring at the boy who just shrugged.

"Cause I felt like it gross gay." Jimin spat.

"Um guys." Jin tried, getting in between the two but they ignored him.


Hoseok was pissed off that his veins looked ready pop outta his neck. He cracked his neck, looking like he had enough. He stood up from his seat, glaring Jimin down. "You know what I'm getting real damn tired of you messing with me cause of my sexuality."

Jimin scoffed, standing up too. "And do you think I give a fuck about your opinion?" Jimin snarled, and the other students in the class stopped what they were doing to watch.

Shit boutta go down?

Hoseok laughed, but faked it, then he smiled. "Hey I know you've been dying to throw a punch at me since you know I'm gay, and all. So why don't you go ahead and do it?" Hoseok walked to the front of the class, to get closer to Jimin. "Oh wait you can't since Taehyung isn't here, and you happen to be his little minion." Hoseok then smirked. "Hah little, see what I did there? Something tells me you got a thing for Tae-"

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