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So you really" Taehyung gasped out, looking shocked. Looking like the world had just flipped upside-down. Or like if someone ate his leftover food from panda express he was saving for later.

No one dares to mess with his panda express. Ever.

Meanwhile Jungkook who was beside him looked very surprised, doe-eyed, one hand over his bottom lip, as he spoke. "I can't believe it." Jungkook stammered out.

"Is it bad?" One of their well known friend Hoseok asked, fiddling with his fingers looking worried, and not sure if he should've came out to the the locker filled hallway roaming with other students. "Please say something, you guys are making this more awkward than it should be." Hoseok said, with a roll of his eyes.

"Um yeah, bro you liking dudes? That's disgusting." Taehyung grimaced, and Hoseok looked at him in shock.

Hoseok frowned. "Damn well you are full on straight so, I see why you'd take it like this." Hoseok pointed out, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm not the only one, so is Kook. We are both about girls." Taehyung said, nodding with his arms crossed. "None of that into guy shit like you."

"Hah yeah what Tae said." Jungkook said, as he glared at Hoseok.

"Wow I feel left out." Hoseok said, lips forming into a pout.

"Well..good!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Whatever, just as long as you don't fall for me Hoseok. Yeah?" Taehyung said, putting a thumbs up.

"Or me." Jungkook added.

"Yeah never." Hoseok deadpanned, and then walked away, hands in his front jean pockets.

"Wow, Hobi gay, I- can't believe that." Taehyung said, shaking his head. "Remind me to never get near him."

"Done hanging out with him?" Jungkook asked looking at Taehyung who tsked returning the gaze. "You're not? Might as well delete him off my contacts."

"Oh yeah, I'll do the same thing totally." Jungkook said, nodding.

A ding sound popped from Taehyung's phone, and he read the text he received. A smirk plastered across his chiseled face.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked, looking at the taller brown haired male in curiosity.

"Gotta go meet up with Rose, she said she's down to make out behind the school during sixth period." Taehyung said, with a smile and a wink. "See ya Kook." Taehyung said, and then turned around heading to the school main doors.

Jungkook went ahead, and walked catching up to Hoseok. "Hobi!" Jungkook called, grasping his shoulder, walking by his side. "You know I didn't mean all that I said right?"

"Nah I get it Kook, you're straight and just don't like gays. Don't have to pretend to be friendly with me." Hoseok replied, and shrugged Jungkook's hand off his shoulder.

Jungkook pursed his lips, and saw they were reaching the bathrooms so instantly dragged Hoseok with him to the boys one. "What the?" Hoseok questioned once they were inside. "Um kook?"

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