"Ha! Wouldn't that be appropriate? Be confused for parlor."

"Is there anything else you think of besides booze?"

"Hmm pretty long list."

"Am I non-existent on the list?"


"Knew I-Wait? Wha- "

"Got to go. See you Critter and I'll get back with you when you lose."

"I'm not going to lose!"

So, yes, here he is now and supporting his school. Didn't bring his coat that he usually wears since it being clean. So, was it just his school hoodie? What? At least he shows some kind of support. But guess what their school mascot is.

A rat.

He destroyed this hoodie later in front of those rats.

"Here we are back at your school." Maria snickered at her son's grumbling look. Either being here or the rat hoodie. "I can stay if you want me too?"

"No, you go have fun. What you doing again."

"Trivia shots and pie."

"Yeah that. I'll portal back home so don't worry."

"Alright." Ruffle his hair. "Go have some fun. If any jerks mess with you kick in the crouch till, they are bleeding on the floor."

"How many times you did that?"

"I stop counting. Hehe oh so many perverts."

"Who I have to kill."

"Aww my protective feral child." She chuckles at the serious look on his face. "It was way back before you were born. Now go have some fun and make some bad choices you like. Don't get caught."

"I'm so confused." Moxxie grumble and got out of the truck.

He went to buy his ticket and now he was back at the school field. He moves around watching classmates having fun, cheering, eating some food from trucks that, drinking stuff that is probably mostly alcohol, families coming to watch and start a fight or on the field getting ready. Sees where the football team from their school will be coming out on the dirt field. Cheerleaders on the field are getting everyone riled up. He needs to find somewhere to sit and watch this chaos. Across the field was the other side they were against.

Taunts and cursing were already being thrown back and forth at the stadium. Step to the side when a cooler almost hit him. Hit the fools that usually mess at him to start something. Huh that was not a bad throw.

He goes to see what they had for food and drinks.

No, chocolate.

Already despise it here. Plus, he thinks he just saw some rats in the background trying to steal some food. Try to warn the ones selling stuff but tell him to buzz off since he wasn't buying. So, he is going to let them deal with the rats.

Found a seat at the bleachers in the back and able to get away with not being caught by the other classmates. The game starts. Moxxie had a bit of fun, he guesses, watching each side destroy the other. There were some cheatings around. A lot of dogpiles. At least each side lost had their arms or legs broken. No, head concussion so far. But just like the Pain Games doesn't care too much. He does watch just in case of any details Striker will ask him. He will not lose!

Last, time was him tried to give Bombproof a bath. That was horrible even when he tried to bribe the horse with a bucket of blood carrots.

Game with now on half-time.

Moxxie barely pays attention to the cheerleaders do their cheer. Well both sides were at it. Now it seems like they are trying to rile up the others. He yawns slightly and looks at the other side.

Maybe they might have something on their side?

He gets up and leaves the bleachers. The cheerleader began to insult the other cheerleaders. It was quite nasty. He was now on the other team's side of the stadium. Didn't bother or care about some of the looks. Since he was on the enemy side. It didn't matter.

This side had cookies.

He bought themselves chocolate cookies, the last ones too. Took a happy bite. Alright it was now better.

"Come on! There no more!"

"Sorry girl last batch bought."

"Dangit! Sorry Blaze."

"Told you we should have come earlier."

"You were fighting to get seats."

He kept chewing and slowly turned his head.

He sees a female imp slightly taller than him. Wild long greyish-black hair with black horns. The rooster team t-shirt with the sleeves torn off with a pair black torn short. A beauty mark on her left cheek. The gap between her front teeth was adorable. By her side was a younger boy with short white hair. Wore a gray bandana. A rooster t-shirt with pants. The horn style like the girls just white and black stripped.

Tilt their head as they continue chewing. She then looks at him.

"What?" The girl stared. Then huffed. "Taunting me with those little mice?"

Seriously, what is with everyone calling him mice or mouse? Or the time of a baby goat. Even a fox. Heck, a possum too. There is not even a possum in Wrath! Swallow half the cookie. Look at her. Then back to the child just looking at him wearily. But then at the bag of cookies. Stare but soon let out a mental sigh.

The girl, along with her brother, taken off guard as he tossed them the cookies.

Walk away before he hears anything else.


Glance back to see the young boy coming up. Wait to notice how he was glaring.

"You're not getting points like that to date my sister."

Stare at him for long time to let out a 'eh'. Then just walks off before this talk gets any weirder.


Oh, for the love of chocolate!

Turn around to see it's the girl again.

"Thanks for the cookies. Um would you like me to get you something?" The girl looks at him.

"No." Glance away feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Um I got to go bye."

"See yeah mice!"

"Sure chicken."


Let loose a snort as they continue on back to their side. Well, he won't bet that for sure as he stayed for the whole game. Able to sneak away before everyone to the bathroom. One portal later as he now home. Waits around twenty minutes till he makes the call.




"Rats won. Roosters lost."

"You actually went?"

"You lost."

"Hey don't be smirking yet! I have to quiz you!"

Maybe he was smirking.

No, he was.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Yes, a lot of changes compared to the first story. Especially with this scene.

Rusty isn't the real name of one of Millie brothers.

Any questions?

Until next time.

Bye, bye!

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin