39: a gift of grandeur

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T H I R T Y - N I N E

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Callan's POV

"Callan?" I looked up to see Amari at my office door, looking slightly frazzled.

My brows furrowed immediately, "Everything okay?" I asked her, wondering what could have happened to cause the distress on her face when it was so close to closing time.

"There's this woman at the front, demanding a refund for something she bought eight months ago and it looks like it's been heavily worn," she scrunched up her face at the end.

I sighed dejectedly, knowing that this was the last thing I needed after the long day I had had.

I put my pen down and got up, knowing that no matter how tired I was, I would always step in with difficult customers to help out any of the people that worked for me.

I didn't like conflict, but I transformed into a different person when it came to protecting my employees.

Crossing my fingers that the problem got resolved quickly, I followed Amari out to the front counter.

I heard the customer before I saw her, and as Amari said, she was very adamant about getting her money back.

Suvi was at the cash, speaking with the woman as politely as possible, but based on her tone and tense shoulders, I could tell that she was at her wits end.

I walked up to them, tightening my jaw and gritting my teeth before pulling on my customer service voice.

"Hi there, is there anything I can help you resolve?" I said cordially with a tight smile.

She looked me up and down with derision, "I asked for the manager."

My eye practically twitched with how tense my body was, "The manager is not working today, would you like to speak with the owner?"

She scoffed, "Yes then, obviously."

I smiled, "Hello, how can I help you?"

She narrowed her eyes, visibly more annoyed at my actions.

I hadn't wanted to make her more upset, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity when she walked us right into it.

"All of your employees are being complete idiots. I want my money back."

I set my jaw, "I would appreciate it if you would not call anyone any names," I looked down at the receipt, "I'm sure they've been clear with you that all intimates are final sale, especially already worn ones. Additionally, this item was purchased almost a year ago, which means that even if it were an item that could be refunded, it's too late to issue one now."

I said my words slowly and carefully, trying to make it as simple as possible for her to understand.

My eyes drifted down to the mauve coloured lingerie set, that looked practically crumpled, heavily used, lace ripped in a few spots, with some suspicious looking stains on it.

She had clipped it haphazardly onto the hanger that it came on.

Which was broken.

I didn't know how many wars this set had gone through in the past year.

I didn't want to know.

"But I don't like it anymore, I want my money back," she argued as though that were a valid reason to go through with the return.

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