32: in the sun, in the moon

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T H I R T Y - T W O

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Callan's POV

I glanced down at the pink cake box on my lap for the tenth time in the past fifteen minutes.

It was so cute.

"I can't believe you got that made," Elijah's voice was equal parts amused and surprised.

I turned my head to look at the handsome man in the driver's seat, "You're not the only one with connections Mr. Jakob," I replied coyly.

He shot me a look, the hint of a smirk on his face.

I grinned wider, feeling absolutely giddy.

The diagnosis for my condition was lovesick.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Do you think Faye w-will like it?" I asked him, looking down at the pink heart shaped cake. It was decorated beautifully, with intricate piping, all in pretty pinks and white.

The cursive lettering on top of the cake looped together to spell out 'Baby Ardelia.'

It was cute and it was strawberry shortcake, which I knew that Faye liked.

But overthinking was a drug and I was itching to get a fix.

"Why wouldn't she like it, my Eliana?" Elijah replied, his voice even.

I threw my hands up dramatically, "What if she thinks it's ugly?"

Elijah shook his head, smiling, "I mean...she did marry Adler, and he's the ugliest thing to walk this earth, so I think you should be fine."

"Elijah," I chastised, smacking his side lightly.

He chuckled, grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on my fingers, "She's going to love it, sweetheart."

I intertwined our fingers, giving his hand a squeeze.

"I'm excited to see her again," I said softly, "And m-meet the baby."

His eyes were warm when he glanced over, "She's very excited to see you too."

I was excited but I was also nervous.

Faye was so sweet and though we had texted here and there before everything happened, I had only met her once.

Also, little babies made me nervous.

I was too apprehensive to even hold Amelie when she was born. Babies were so small and fragile, I just didn't want to do anything wrong.

But Adler and Faye were Elijah's family, and even though I was nervous, I wanted to make sure that everything went well.

My family loved Elijah and I wanted his family to love me too.

Maybe it was juvenile of me to need that in our relationship, but family meant a lot to me, and I would feel better knowing that everyone liked each other.

Sue me.

His thumb brushed the back of my hand, bringing me down to earth.

"Did you want to cancel?" his voice was soft, full of care, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

I shook my head immediately, "N-No, no I'm okay, I don't even know why I'm so nervous."

I lifted his hand, placing a kiss on his fingers; "I'm good, Elijah."

For JakobOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora