A prologue not related to the story but intriguing nonetheless

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We were all having such a grand time at my friend, Gabriel's Halloween party. The party was at his mansion, complete with a table of snacks, a basement to play video games (like if you need a break from the music), and a ticket person (who was basically Gabriel's brother, Matthew).

Then HE arrived. Late.

I'm not acting like it's okay. It's NOT okay to be invited to a party, and show up late bc you're doing god knows what.

"Sorry I'm late," he said. "I fell asleep under an apple tree."
"There isn't an apple tree anywhere near here, you dumb fuck," answered my friend, Carlos. "Do you mean an oak tree?" Sleep deprived weirdo answered, "I fell asleep under a tree, alright? I don't know which one it is!" My other friend, Victor said, "Ok boomer." And they burst out in laughter and girls were giggling like crazy. Carlos' twin brother, Oscar, intervened, saying, "Guys, stop! He just came late, that's all. Just be a little nicer."
Carlos answered angrily, "Is this your party? No! Let the host decide what to do with this late bastard."
Gabriel was silent for a few seconds until a jock said, "Well...? What is you gonna do, Gabriel?" Sleep deprived weirdo came up to my best friend, fell on his fucking knees, and said, "Gabe, please keep me here. I've been looking forward to this."

Gabriel turned to me for advice. I just looked at sleep deprived weirdo in disgust. 

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