Chapter 26: Righteous Elder Brother

Comenzar desde el principio

Neither do salted fish, nor hard themselves.

Shen Jianfeng at night, compared with the day, in fact, there is not much difference.

There is a little light on the mountain path, which is the light of the pearl, very soft.

One after another, there are also disciples walking in the mountains. Similarly, there are also people cultivating in the martial arts field.

In the whole Shenjianfeng, it is estimated that except Ye Changqing, who still keeps going to bed on time, other disciples do not have this habit.

Cultivation is the most important thing for them. Of course, now they have added a dried rice.

Peak, the cave of Hong Zun, at this time he is helpless to look at a young man in front of him.

This evening did not go to the kitchen to dry rice, is because of the youth in front of us, and this youth is not others, is really Hong Zun's big disciple, but also God Jianfeng's big brother.

As the master brother, Zhao Zhengping has a high prestige in Shenjianfeng.

Not only because of his status, but also because of his fierce and righteous character.

It can be said that no matter from which aspect, Zhao Zhengping is a qualified elder brother, but his character is a little inflexible and stubborn.

Just like now, you go out to perform the task to come back, must pull Hong Zun report what task situation, make Hong Zun is a series of helpless.

Dinner did not eat, hong Zun heart is very uncomfortable.

Have been listening to several hours, in general is Zhao Zhengping out of this, is to kill a wicked.

This evil is very strong, entrenched in one side, and even made the murder of the city, which should be paid attention to, and finally by Zhao Zhengping.

The task was a complete success, Zhao Zhengping also killed the evil.

But according to his investigation, there is also a very mysterious force behind this evil, and it is speculated that there may be a ghost king.

So Zhao Zhengping was very worried, and he came to Hongzun specifically to report, hoping that Zongmen could pay more attention to it, and it was best to find out where the force was and eradicate it.

"Genuine, you said for the teacher all know, if nothing, go down early to rest, you have been running for days."

After hearing Zhao Zhengping's words, Hong Zun opened his mouth to say, just this, Zhao Zhengping looked serious.

"Disciples do not work hard, protect the people, and kill demons, this is the responsibility of my generation of monks."

For Zhao Zhengping's answer, Hong Zun is not surprised at all, he is such a person, rigid, stubborn, but with the people in mind, upright and upright.

Just now he really not in the mood to discuss these ah, full of mind is Ye Changqing cooking, hateful ah, tonight why did not eat it.

"Well, for the teacher know you have the world in your heart, at this time for the teacher will tell the Zong door to investigate."

"Yes, disciple retires."

After finally sending Zhao Zhengping away and looking at the sky, Hong Zun sighed helplessly and could only choose to close his eyes and meditate until tomorrow's breakfast.

The night quickly passed, when the morning sun rose, all areas of Shenjianfeng, almost at the same time, a line of shadows quickly reappeared, the direction is directly to the foot of the mountain.

Needless to say, these were all disciples who had gone to the kitchen to get ready for breakfast.

"My God, why are there so many people?

An outer gate disciple rushed out of the courtyard without any delay after finishing his overnight cultivation.

I thought I was already early, but no one realized that as soon as I left the courtyard, I saw people rushing out from all the courtyards with the same goal as myself.

Fuck how so many people, this disciple speechless at the same time, the foot speed is also constantly improving.

Unfortunately, all of them were desperate to run, and no one got any advantage.

There was also the Inner disciples area, which was the same. A famous inner disciples rushed out from various places and finally converged on the main road, forming a stream of people, which rushed toward the mountain.

"Hurry up, hurry up, these animals are getting up too early."

"Don't be so crowded. It's still on the mountainside. Is it necessary?"

"Sometimes losing is losing at the starting line, get out of the way, streamer step."

Still early in the morning, the whole Shenjianfeng rioted, and the mixed spiritual power fluctuations soon alarmed many elders of Shenjianfeng.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the elders looked at the stream of people pouring down the mountain, with a puzzled look on their faces.

"Is this going to fight?"

"What are these little bastards doing so early in the morning?"

So many people are desperate to rush down the mountain, do not know that it is the devil to attack the mountain.

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