Chapter 36 Sense of Qi

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After two busy hours, the sky was completely dark, the food for six thousand people was finally ready, and Ye Changqing was completely exhausted.

Many disciples prepared their own meals. When they looked at the three dishes, all of which were new dishes, their eyes began to glow green.

Each person a bowl of steam pot chicken, and then add a full, pile pointed a big bowl of rice, eating that is called a joy.

Perhaps today's consumption is relatively large, the amount of food is also increased.

When there was not enough to eat, the disciples also began to play tricks.

"Look, Master brother, the monster of Huling."

"Oh, my God, where?"

Hurriedly turned to look, but nothing, and then turned back, the beef in the bowl directly less than half.

"You........ You steal my meat? '

"The teacher.... Brother, don't talk nonsense, when did I steal your meat?"

"Brother, before you lie, can you swallow the meat in your mouth, the words are not clear."

There are those who return with their kindness.

"Brother, you see today in the Black tiger Yuan, you were almost killed by a demon beast, did brother save you?"

"Brother, stop talking. Except for this bowl of rice, the other teachers will give you everything. Even if you ask him to die, he won't even frown."

"What do I want your life for? Without further ado, give your brother a dry bite of chicken."

"Don't even think about it."

'Ungrateful boy, aren't you? I saved your life. '

"I said anything but this bowl of rice, brother, but it doesn't hurt."

"I want this bowl of rice. Give me half of it."

"Impossible, the head can be broken and the blood can flow, but the food can not be shared."

Thousands of disciples were making a mess inside and outside the courtyard, all of them racking their brains to eat more.

Listening to the crowd's scolding and frolicking, Ye Changqing, who was lying on the chaise longue early, unconsciously smiled.

Just across the time, to tell the truth, Ye Changqing heart is some panic.

After all, suddenly, alone came to a completely strange world, although there is a predecessor of the memory inheritance, but for Ye Changqing, this earth world for him, is still very strange.

Like that rootless duckweed, you can't find your roots in this world.

But now, Ye Changqing feels a sense of belonging.

It is the peace of mind that there will always be a group of people standing by her side when she has something to do.

Let Ye Changqing know, in this world, he is not a person.

"That's nice."

Unconsciously whispered a sentence, but the voice just fell, one side came Lu Youyou's voice.

"What is so good?"

"Huh? Nothing, what's wrong with Sister?"

Looking at Lu Youyou and Liu Frost, who did not know when they came to her side, Ye Changqing casually said.

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