Chapter 63: Returning to the Zongzi, Leaving the Zongzi

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Looking at the back of the disciple as he left, the member opened his mouth and finally said something.

"The immortal teacher is really busy."

"Yes, yes."

Wen Yan, behind the people repeatedly nodded and echoed, this is not it, before and after a total of tea time, to tell the truth, all these years of life, never encountered such a thing.

The disciples I met before, even the small ones, were pulling like a 250,000-80,000 yuan.

If you invite people to bring down demons, you have to serve them well.

It's not like a disciple who says he's here to subdue demons, but he's really here to subdue demons, and he hasn't even had a sip of tea.

"It is true that I am a Daomen disciple."

He exclaimed from the bottom of his heart, but the disciples did not know that the reason why this disciple went back in such a hurry was because he was rushing to eat breakfast.

Compared with the food in the kitchen, what's so good about your old tea?

Your horse galloped all the way through the night to the road.

And such a scene, in this night is not rare, and look at the clothes on their bodies, all are Shen Jianfeng disciples.

The three tasks taken during the day were completed overnight at night, and they went straight to the Zong door without rest, just to eat a bite of breakfast.

As the sky gradually lit up, Dao a horse farm, vaguely sounded a sound of hooves.

The deacon who was practicing woke up suddenly and walked out of the courtyard suspiciously.

"This early in the morning, who is it?"

As soon as he spoke, he saw clouds of dust rising from all directions, and then thousands of Shen Jianfeng disciples riding demon horses rushed towards the horse farm at full speed.

"Oh my God............"

As if facing a charge of thousands of troops, the deacon's face suddenly changed, his movement was not slow at all, and he sidestepped to avoid the crowd.

"Deacon, the horse is here. Please check in. I have work to do."

"So am I, deacon."

'And me, too.'

Then, before he could speak, the disciples jumped down from their horses, threw a quick word, and turned away.

The speed looked even faster than when they were riding.

Thousands of Shen Jianfeng disciples, before and after less than ten breath time, all disappeared in the same place, leaving only the stunned deacons and a group of demon horses with question marks.

These demon horses had some intelligence, but they were not tall, so they could not figure out too complicated problems.

Except that this time out, they seem to be running all the way, other than that, they do nothing.

Some of the more ruthless disciples did not even give these demon horses a drink of water, resulting in a small number of demon horses at this time, have appeared symptoms of dehydration.

"Animal, born ah."

Examining these demon horses, they soon came to the conclusion that they had collapsed directly because they were overworked by running for a long time and had no water or food to eat.

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