Chapter 62 I am Very busy

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I didn't stay at all. I came and went in a hurry. In less than half an hour, tens of thousands of disciples of God Jianfeng disappeared into the Mission Hall, leaving behind a curtain of light that was more than half empty.

"I................ I'm fuckin 'empty again."

"Is this a bunch of bandits?"

Looking at the low star task was directly completed, only four stars, five stars such a high-level task, the peak disciples once again broke the defense.

This is simply locusts transit ah.

In the dark has been watching this scene stone pine, the same gnashing teeth, Excalibur peak this is once again the task of the light mission hall.

On the side of the three elders is very calm way.

"Don't worry, I have already made arrangements."

As the words of the three elders fell, soon, a batch of low-star tasks were updated on the light curtain of the Chen-Fa, which restored calm to the disciples of each Feng.

"So many people in Shenjianfeng came to take up the tasks at the same time, it is very normal for such a situation to occur, and Brother need not worry too much."

Is comforted some stone pine, smell speech, stone pine frown loose, way.

"Well, then there will be a master brother."

"Rest assured, as long as the disciples of Shenjianfeng behave themselves, nothing will happen to the Mission Hall."

"That's good."

Seeing the end of things, stone pine also left the mission hall, silently praying in the heart, I hope it is too much to think.

And God Jianfeng received the task of the disciples, at this time has come to the road of a horse farm.

Here, all the horses of Daoyi School are raised. Of course, these horses are not ordinary horses. The lowest level is a semi-demon, and the higher level is even a demon horse in the realm of metaphysics.

The disciples selected the right horses according to their actual conditions.

Even the deacon in charge of the horse farm was dumbfounded by the sudden influx of so many disciples.

"You are.............."

"Rent a horse, please deacon, a blackscale horse."

"I want a dragon horse."

"I want a dragon horse here too."

"And me, too."

"One after the wind."

"I want a horse here."

Many disciples you one I one, soon, the low level horses in the horse farm directly less than half, the rest are almost all high level horses.

"Teachers and brothers, remember our goal, we must be fast."

"Don't worry, brothers."

"Ok, see you at that gate."

"Good," said Hermione.

At the gate of the horse farm, it was dark, and the disciples of God Jianfeng, riding all kinds of demon horses, said goodbye to each other, and soon dispersed and left the village in different directions.

The deacons who witnessed the whole process were still confused at this time.

"Why are so many disciples going out today?"

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