Chapter 149: The Tiger screams in the woods

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Looking at Wu Shou, who was also getting angry gradually, Qixiong curled his mouth and said, "Oh, what about him?"

Come forward, look ugly said.

"Bluestone's cave can not be forced to break, this old alcoholic can always?"

"My schoolmates naturally don't pay so much attention."


The spirit forces converge, and then I saw Qixiong clap out, palm print heavily bombarded on the formation.

The formation of this cave, of course, is impossible to compare with the Protector's great array, and it was directly shattered by Qixiong's palm.

As the formation was broken, both Qixiong and Wu Shou frowned, because they did not feel the slightest breath inside the cave. That is to say, there was no one inside the cave.

Looking at each other, the two immediately strode into the cave, inside and outside to find several times, did not find the figure of Hong Zun.

"What about people? Where are they? '

Returning to the front yard again, Qixiong looked at Wu Shou angrily and shouted, in this regard, Wu Shou shook his head speechless, I don't know where people are going, I'm not his father.


Immediately toward the bluestone cave rushed, this time without saying a word, Qixiong raised his hand is a palm, directly broke the formation, and then kicked the door into.

With the same result, no one was in the cave.

Now Qixiong really can't keep up, the fucking celebration is about to start, the main character is not here, so let's get a hammer.

"Where the hell are these two old things?"

A quarter of an hour later, all the elders and deacons of Shenjianfeng went out of the gate one after another and rushed to Hongzun's cave. Facing Qixiong, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot, they were all confused. What happened?

"Say, where have Hongzun and Bluestone gone?"

Gritted teeth asked, just smell the words, a gods Jianfeng elder, seems to be more confused than Qixiong.

"Are the Lord and the Great Elder absent?"

"How can it be? Did they not retreat before we did?"

The crowd didn't know either. Seeing this, Qixiong's eyes became colder and colder, but I could still see that the elders should not be lying, they really didn't know.

In other words, these two old men had escaped secretly.

Unable to get anything out of them, Qixiong got up and took Wu Shou straight away.

After the two left, all the elders and deacons of Shenjianfeng were still confused and speculated where the Lord and elder of the peak had gone.

Until one of the elders said something.

"They're not going to camp near the sea, are they?"

'Good heavens,' I said.

When the words came out, everyone was stunned and reacted quickly.

Was put a ah, the peak master they did not close.

Have been cheated ah, people have gone to the offshore camp to eat hot drink, only they are still a bitter haha in the retreat here.

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