Chapter 67: How can a man's Heart be so dirty

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Careful preparation, careful planning, coupled with firm execution, was originally intended to hold the God Jianfeng, but who thought, finally was actually held by the other side.

Looking at the back of a famous Shen Jianfeng disciple who left proudly, one of the inner disciples responsible for organizing this counterattack action was full of reluctance, and his fists were clenched together.

"Why, why is this happening?"

God Jianfeng, God Jianfeng, now he felt, this disciple of God Jianfeng, in addition to the swordsmanship is not good, the other things are fuckin 'fine.

Look at the use of Fu seal style, is simply a variety of, only you can not think, no one can not play.

A simple Fu seal style, in the hands of Shen Jianfeng disciples, is almost a secret weapon, let people impossible to guard against.

What sword gas digging a hole in the ground ah, what a diversion ah, anyway, this means is simply dirty without the lower limit.

Not reconciled ah, exertive effort finally actually is such a result.

When this inner disciple was extremely unwilling, he suddenly saw more than a dozen miscellaneous disciples who had not yet got away.

Compared with the outer and inner disciples, although the methods of Shenjianfeng miscellaneous disciples were also dirty, after all, the cultivation was there, and when the cultivation was suppressed, they were still a little powerless.

In an instant, anger burned in his eyes, and this inner disciple did not care about so much. Since I could not fix your outer door and inner door disciple, then I will fix your servant disciple.

Although it is a little embarrassing, but now where can care so much, even today is the arrival of Tianwang Laozi, he will also get a few Shen Jianfeng disciples, no one can stay, I said.

Lift the leg to the more than ten God Jianfeng miscellaneous disciples walked, see, the people on the side also guessed his idea, some disciples whispered.

"Elder brother, we directly to other people's handyman disciples, will not be too good ah?"

Competition within a Taoist school is usually between disciples of the same rank. If an inner disciple fights against an outside disciple, it will make others despise him, let alone against a handyman disciple.

However, at this time, the inner disciple could not hear this and immediately gnashed his teeth.

"I don't care, today I just want to make him God Jianfeng."

Anger is already raging, seeing this, other disciples on the side are not good to say anything more.

A group of people soon came to the more than ten Shenjianfeng miscellaneous disciples in front of, and at this time, the more than ten people have been surrounded by the peak disciples.

Apparently there was no escape. They looked at them coldly, and the inner disciple, who was the first, spoke loudly.

"I know it's against the rules, but you are really deceiving people.................."

He was very angry in his heart, and he had no intention of doing anything to these servants. But before he could finish speaking, one of the servants made a flop and fell to his knees.

This operation directly looked silly to everyone present. If it wasn't for this, why would he still perform such a big gift?

For a time all people are stunned in place, and then, I saw this handyman disciple eyes a red, two lines of clear tears flowed down, and said with emotion.

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