Chapter 19: It's Too Late

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Dusk at the foot of Shenjianfeng Mountain, the position of the kitchen, the first batch of disciples have arrived.

Have not entered the gate has smelled the fragrance, the greedy in the stomach was immediately stirred, saliva DC.

"Good smell ah."

Rushed into the courtyard, Mapo tofu has been fried out of the pot, see a new dish, several disciples are excited.

"Oh my God, new dishes."

"Yes, yes, Brother Changqing can do it."

Although I have not eaten, but the smell alone, it has made a few people index finger big move, the heart is looking forward to.

Ye Changqing do not need to say more, several disciples immediately ready to line up, just to see the early standing outside the kitchen of the small white, several people are stunned.

"The crane?"

Why is there a crane in this kitchen? And it looks like there's a line. Are you kidding? A crane can line up?

"This is my pet animal. You can call it White."

Ye Changqing at this time also put out his head and said, smell words, a few people leng, this Changqing brother actually has an animal pet? And still a crane.

They are all servants and naturally do not know the preciousness of red-crowned cranes, but even ordinary cranes are out of reach for them.

For a time, they were envious, but at the moment of the food, several people soon returned to their senses and came to stand behind Xiaobai.

Although the crane let people envy, but at this time where the dry rice is important.

With the passage of time, more and more disciples rushed to the kitchen. They were stunned when they saw Xiao Bai, but soon they obediently went to the queue.

Lu Youyou, Liu Shuang, Hong Zun, and the master and apprentice almost arrived in front of each other. When Hong Zun arrived, the queue was not long, but when he saw that there were already more than ten disciples in front of him, the old man could not help but swear.

"Do you little bastards keep watch here? No more work to do? Come so early."

"Master, we have finished our work long ago."


Heard that all the disciples are finished the task before they came, Hong Zun for a time some depressed.

Looked at the sky, should not ah, so early to finish, you are high. You must be on drugs.

Although the work of the miscellaneous disciples is not particularly onerous, it is definitely not easy. According to past experience, it should not be completed now, and there are still so many people, far from one or two.

But the fact that all of these guys actually finished it just shows that their efficiency is ridiculously fast.

Just a little late for a while, was preempted, Hong Zun although not happy, but still obediently came to the end of the queue.

After all, this rule is also his approval, even before he has more than once to talk about the rules, now let him break the rules, it is some can not do.

But when Hong Zun saw the first white, he instantly quit.

"Hey, hey, hey, we queued up, how can we still mix in a demon beast?"

When did the demon beast also come to the kitchen line up, in this regard, some disciples explained.

"Master Feng, this is Master Changqing's permission, saying that Xiao Bai is also a member of my god Jianfeng."

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