Chapter 9 There's Something wrong with these guys

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Early in the morning, just after dawn, dozens of disciples were gathered outside the workshop.

When Ye Changqing opened the door, he was shocked by what he saw outside.

"Brothers and sisters, are you too early to come?"

"Not too early, not too early."

"That is, an hour in the morning is worth getting up early."

They shook their heads one by one, God knows for this bowl of noodles, how they spent last night, dreaming is in the wordy surface.

In this regard, Ye Changqing also helpless, this group of guys in order to dry rice is really fight.

Do not say much, let the people into the yard, Ye Changqing to copy miscellaneous sauce, they are very conscious of chopping wood, carrying water, fire fire, for is to eat this mouth of gravy noodles earlier.

After a while, the smell of mixed sauce wafted away in the courtyard, and dozens of Shenjianfeng disciples squatted together in groups of three or five, without taking into account the image, stuttering so much.

One by one, they are gobbling up, without the temperament of a disciple, more like a rural old man in the common world.

"Brother Changqing, add a bowl of noodles."

"Two bowls."

"Here, too."

The sound of adding noodles kept rising, and even the female disciples would have to eat at least two bowls, let alone the male disciples.

"Master Changqing, please prepare some more noodles at noon."

After eating, they wash the dishes, some people also said to Ye Changqing, this gravy noodles how not enough to eat.

This word, immediately won the approval of people in the place, but Ye Changqing is shaking his head.

"Don't eat noodles at noon, studied a new dish."

Every meal eat noodles, eat too much will be tired, just yesterday the system rewarded the new dish stir-fried meat, but can give them a change of taste.

It is also a very ordinary home cooking, the selection of good red grain pork, fat and thin, simple production, with rice, is definitely a delicious food.

Hearing that they had a new dish at noon, many disciples were brightened up.

In the past, they might not have had any expectations at all, but now, after tasting the noodles, the people have completely changed their minds about Ye Changqing's craft.

"Ok, OK, Brother Changqing, what do you want to help? Just let me know."

"Yes, I still have a few capsules here. Brother Changqing is tired. Please take them to cultivate."

"You are welcome, Brother. There are still a lot of pills here yesterday."

"It's not a conflict. If you don't get enough of them, you can eat them as jelly beans."

Hearing that there are new dishes to eat, everyone is a big gallantly, some take the initiative to help, some send Dan medicine, powder.

In this regard, although Ye Changqing repeatedly waved and refused, but finally had to accept these Dan medicine.

Would rather give Ye Changqing when jelly beans to eat, these people are not willing to take back.

"Help is not necessary, you brothers and sisters will come when they arrive."

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