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money. money makes the world go round. Something that Izuku was deprived of.

He was lucky enough to enter a good school despite the fact of living in poverty, with his mother constantly working to ends make meet.

And his father who would occasionally send them money while living with his 'other family'

Izuku was a quiet natured boy, with not many friends, he was often made fun of for his financial status. And his lack of intelligence. It's a miracle how he ended up in this school.

Izuku's POV:

Once again school. I don't want to go. But I get free meals so it's nice at times...

I'm not popular. Or smart. Or pretty. I'm just below average. And to make matters worse I'm gay. And being gay in Japan is not praised upon.

And even though I'm gay, I do not connect with others in the community. Due to my simple nature and not wanting to be so flamboyant about it.

So. I'm pretty lonely. I have my eye on someone who I know is way out of my league.

Katsuki Bakugo. Athletic. Tall. Handsome. Intelligent.

Everything about him his perfect, I really like him. But I know nothing will happen we sit next to each other in English class. But I'm too shy to talk and he's just unbothered.

I'm sitting right next to him right now in our triple English lessons.

"Hello Midoriya. Are you paying attention?" My teacher slammed her book on the table.

"Oh yeah! Of course...I was just. Yeah. Sorry..." I apologised.

"Good. Pay attention next time. This is why you are on a D in English. Take some notes from Bakugo."

I lowered my head in embarrassment.

"Ha! You're on a D in English. Here take you idiot. I doubt this will make you smarter but try your best." He sniggered at me.

"Thanks..." I spoke lowly.

"Why are you always so quiet? I hardly hear you speak unless you're getting scolded."

Why does all of a sudden he have an interest in me.

"There's no point. I have no one to talk to, I'm friendless. And I'm too shy to speak with people." I muttered really lowly.

"Then don't be come to my house. Let's play some video games or some other fun shit." He smiled. He was one of the first people to be nice to me.

His friends would bully me, but he never ever said anything mean about me.

"R-r-really? Well...yeah that'd be fun!" I smiled.

"Great. Since we are in the same form class it'll be easier for us."


I was so excited as the hours passed Bakugo would occasionally speak to me but he was mostly focusing on the work. However, I have been daydreaming as usual.

The bell rang indicating school is done for the day. Moreover meaning... I get to go home with Bakugo.

"Hey, my car is over there. Do you have any song Recs?" He smiled at me.

"You have a car?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah...I got it as a present. But let's get going!"

I entered the car and he began to play some rap music. It was a bit weird because I couldn't understand the language.

"Heh. You must be wondering what I'm listening
to..." He laughed.

"Well what is it?"I spoke lowly.

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