look at me how you look at him.

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bakugo and deku have been dating for about four months  after deku shyly confessed to bakugo after class.

"uhh hi kacchan could i talk to you please?" deku muttered under his breath.

"what the fuck do you want?" he groaned with annoyance

"well...um-we-ll i-um-i-uhhh i like you a lot! i like you so so much every since middle school you were always so cool and i-"

"stop muttering nerd, it pisses me the fuck off!"


"and i accept your shitty confession. i'll text you when i can be asked."

"thank you so much kacchan!"

and then they started ever since they were known as the somewhat couple we knew would get together but still in shock that they are together, if that makes any logical sense...

"look at those love birds get a room!" denki shouted out loud.

katsuki was whislpering something into deku's ear while he was giggling.

"kacchan.. stop that!" he hits him playfully.

"oh please you know you dreamt about me last night i can see it in your eyes."

"oh i did not! you baka."

"you called me a baka? that's ridiculous deku." bakugo smirked and chuckled.

"you're so annoying! you are a baka." deku stormed out.

this was just their usual banter, classic lovebirds in the first two months they done everything together they had makeout sessions went on dates were inseparable but things just changed...

"hey kacchan! how was your day today?" deku hugged kacchan from behind kissing his neck.

"leave me alone deku. i don't want to talk." this has been happening quite regularly where katsuki has been very distant.

"no kacchan! i don't like seeing you down tell me how you feel i'm your boyfriend."

"it's fucking nothing i'm tired so just go back to your dorm i need to study."

"fine kacchan, but let me know if you need anything. i-i love you kacchan." deku kissed him on the cheek while blushing like a tomato.

"great thanks." bakugo just shut him off completely.

this triggered izuku to run to his dorm room and cry under the covers.

"why doesn't he talk to me anymore! we are meant to be dating! I LITERALLY SAID I LOVE YOU AND HE JUST IGNORED IT!" he screamed in his pillow

it was already late at night and curfew was approaching soon so he decided that he would go on a jog to clear his mind.

the fresh breeze cooled the sweat which was embedded in the follicles of his mess curly hair. the loud breaths he took after each lap provided him with a feeling of peace and joy. he hadn't felt this alive since bakugo and midoriya started dating.

"that was amazing! i should probably go now is the time that curfew is starting..."

there he witnessed kirishima going into katsuki's room deku wasn't really one to suspect bakugo of cheating but he has been feeling quite self conscious as bakugo hasn't been really engaging with izuku.

so why not eavesdrop and look at them through the window

"took you how fucking long!"

"i'm sorry bakugo but it took how long to sneak in..."

"whatever i miss you."

" i do too."

kirishima began to make out with katsuki as they touched each other up.

tears began to stream down izuku's face.

"damn you cut me with your teeth shitty hair!"

"let me fix that for you open your tounge." katsuki opened his tounge and kirishima licked the blood off his tounge.

"is that better?" kirishima winked.

"you are so kinky what the hell kirishima!"

they began to laugh and cuddle each other while kirishima fell asleep on bakugo's bed while katsuki stroked his hair and stared into his eyes.

"i wish you would look at me how you look at him." deku ran to his room and cried complete in shock of what he had witnessed complete must utmost utter betrayal that he touched up kirishima, kissed him, cuddled him, touched his hairs and stared into his eyes. well not eyes but eyelids if kirishima was asleep his eyes would technically be closed...

just thinking of the horror izuku vomited. and wasn't able to sleep... he decided to stay in his dorm and tell the teachers he's sick.

everyone visited him and checked up on him except bakugo and kirishima. this pissed deku the fuck off and he decided that everyone in class 1-a should know and decided to call a class meeting.

"You can't call a class meeting without the class president or vice president consent!" Iida scolded Midoriya

"I'm sorry...but it's important."

"Iida let Midoriya have his meeting!" She said as todoroki layed on her chest sleeping.

"I would pay 10,00 bucks to switch places with todoroki." Mineta whispered to Denki

"Fuck yeah I would too!" They began to fist bump each other.

"what's the fucking point of this meeting deku?"

"well kacchan you're about to see..."

"i was currently taking a jog two days ago to clear my head in the night."

"Izuku! That's dangerous they're villains lurking around."

"Thanks for the concern Iida but that's not the point. The point is that I saw someone sneaking into my boyfriends room and I decided to see what was up to find kirishima and bakugo kissing each other, touching each other, cuddling, laughing, bakugo touching his hair and staring at him."

"and i thought there was something wrong with me thats why bakugo never wanted to kiss me or hug me or say he likes me, was i your play toy? because you fucking broke my heart and the whole class deserves to know that both of you are disgusting!"

"let me explain-" the only response he got was that he received a slap from midoriya


"you're disgusting kirishima and bakugo how could you do this to midoriya the sweetest boy ever." mina looked so dissapointed in them.

"i'm sorry midoriya i shouldn't have took bakugo from you he does love you.say it bakugo!"

"go on kacchan three words eight letters and i'll forgive you."

"you're too kind midoriya dump his ass." ochaco screamed out loud

"say it kacchan."

"i can't..." bakugo didn't love izuku but loved the idea of him he thought if deku as useless like a toy something that is interesting at first but you get bored of it but no one can ever touch it because that's your toy and he thought of deku as that a toy.

deku adored kacchan and loved him but katsuki didn't love him back he ran from the common room and cried in the corner.

as he continued to cry a rose comes out of his mouth stained with a crimson red colour dripping from his mouth.

"these violent delights have violent ends."

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