the green eyed monster

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hope you enjoy this story! this will probably have a sad ending but i'll see how i feel, it's very angsty but anyways sit back relax and enjoy.

the couple had very busy schedules meaning when they came home there was constant stress  and tired and due to that they became cranky and would ignite huge arguments to occur.

"ugh you fucking villain, why won't you just DIE!" The ash blond yelled at the villain

after the constant dual between katsuki and the villain bakugo managed to defeat the criminal.

"kacchan! you're finally home." the grenette ran towards him and hugged him

"i'm so tired.."

"you're always tired..."

"that's because i'm always fucking working what the hell do you do? you see these cuts the villain had fucking blades coming out everywhere!"

"kacchan. i'm not saying that it's your fault these villains are too aggressive, but i'm literally your boyfriend and i want to spend time with you. what happened to us?"

"im sorry baby." he kisses izuku on the lips and gently bites his lip.

"are you thinking what i'm thinking?" midoriya's smirk initiating he wants to do something interesting.

"huh? i'm going straight to bed. good night." he ruffles izukus hair and walks to the separate room.

"i have fucking enough katsuki! you don't touch me, make love to me, speak to me. we literally sleep in separate rooms! who sleeps in separate rooms? did you fall out of love with me. i've been trying so hard katsuki!"

"we sleep in separate rooms because we are pro heroes! our sleep schedule is different how the fuck is that my issue? stop trying to play the blame game when i work my ass day in and day out!"

"that's not an excuse i am number one hero and i'm at home! there is something called time management which you don't have. and i know you've been doing extra shifts, stop trying to overcome me from being number one you've always been envious. just let it go and focus about me rather than always trying to beat me this is a new extreme!"

"don't fucking say that deku. who the hell do you think you are!? my patience is running thin with you. apologise or i'll kill you!" bakugo yelled as if he was truly infused with anger and rage.

"i don't care how you feel because you clearly don't care about fucking dick, if you think you can take my spot you're sadly mistaken you know i worked hard for this and you're a fool if you think i'll drop."

"you fucking bitch!" bakugo slapped midoriya across the face.


"well why were you provoking me?!?"

"i didn't provoke you i just said the truth . now i know your true feelings about me... your jealousy made you worked so hard and ignored the fact im dating you!"

"i-im sorry! but i deserve to be number one i wanted to be the best and every single day i see you. it reminds me that i should be number one. not you. but me. you got it all, all might's attention you are his successor. and what am i your shadow and i'm done being that i want to be number one and be the symbol of peace. while i'm working fucking day in and out being number two all you do is a few measly fights and everyone believes you as the ultimate hero but when i fucking work 10 x harder they call me a fucking villain."

"kacchan you know it's not like that i've had a tough past you of all people should know that."

"shut the fuck up with your fucking bitching i'm done with it. you expect too much of me and i'm tired of you acting like a fucking weak bitch."

"k-a-cchan you HAVE NO RIGHT YOU BULLIED ME FOR 10 FUCKING YEARS AND I STILL LOVE YOU BUT YOU CAN'T MOVE PAST THE FACT THAT I'M NUMBER ONE I WONDER WHAT ELSE YOU KEPT TO YOURSELF. Is there more the floors yours katsuki because if we are playing that game bring it on!"

"calm the fuck down deku!"

"NO I'M PLAYING THAT GAME I hate your mom, she's fucking rude like you always trying to belittle me and i fucking hate it. i hate how your always rude to all my fucking friends they literally hate you and are always saying i should break up with you but i don't, i should've. why didn't i date todoroki like everyone else said he was so good and kind but i had to pick you! the one that treats me like shit, never cares about me! when i want to have sex with you, you say no cause only you can decide. i'm tired of your ultra-above superiority complex you're a fucking lunatic!"

"this relationship is over. fuck half and half all night long and let him treat you like a fucking princess and be your knight in shining armour you knew who you were dating and i'm not changing myself for you so get the fuck out of my house and rot, die, beg and starve on the streets because you're dead to me."

"i never loved you. i liked the idea of having you.."

"well i fucking dated you out of pity, i was tired of being seen as a bully when we all know you fucking liked me. and you had some weird turn on to me bulling you. you're obsessed with me and you know it. remember you begging me to punch you so you can get turned on. and now you're saying i'm too violent, too distant when you fucking wanted i tried to hug you and you literally said 'ew no' so piss the fuck off out of my house and don't come back. you stupid bitch."

"ok kacchan. done don't expect me to be kind to you because you are no one to me katsuki bakugo."

" fuck off."


and there was the end of katsuki bakugo and izuku midoriya.

or not?

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