can't i be your lover and your friend pt2

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This is part 2 read part 1 to understand.

I appreciate all the feedback and support I've been getting it makes me so happy that you enjoy my writing.

"Fuck. I'm a fucking idiot. I forgot how much of sensitive nerd he is." Bakugo swore.

"Excuse me! I want my fucking money for my controller Bakugo." Denki sounded serious for once in his life.

"Fine, dunce face. How much was it?" He gave in to paying him back.

"27,000 yen (around 200 dollars)" Denki told him.

"Why is it so expensive? It's just a fucking controller!" Bakugo complained.

"Well, it was a gift. From someone special..." He smirked.

"That flat chested ex-girlfriend of yours? Do you still have feels for her?"

"Yes! I don't know...just pay me back my money!" Denki demanded.

It was 10 minutes before lessons so Class 1-A were having their own individual conversation with other people.

Bakugo observed Deku, his eyes were red and he looked out of it.

"Hey Deku- Kun are you okay? You don't look happy." The cheerful bubbly girl stroked his hair.

"I'm fine... I slept late so I'm kinda tired." He lied.

"Well...Don't be so rebellious next time Midoriya! A true hero must always have a schedule, and obtain 8 hours of sleep every night, to have enough energy to save citizens!" The four eyed man known as the class president lectured the greenette.

"Yes Iida next time I'll sleep the optimal amount of hours." He groaned.

"Shit. What should I do Shitty hair? He looks really upset..." The ash blond began to overthink.

"Relax dude, go to his dorm after school and talk him to them. But don't lie, just say how you feel. But don't forget to ask how he feels." Kirishima smiled at the blond.

"Thanks shitty hair I'll do that then."

After School:

Bakugo went to Kirishima's dorm to play the game that they were meant to play this morning.

"Fuck yeah! This game is on another level." Yelled loudly he was a bit intoxicated as the boys drank alcohol.

"Guys let's call girls in our year, who we find the hottest! You go first Bakugo." Mineta giggled.

"Sure! Why the fuck not?" He brought out his phone and began to dial the number.

"Dude! You have a boyfriend cut the call." Kirishima tried to grab his phone.

"I'll kill you. If you touch my phone sh-sh-shitty hair!" Looks so shitty." He began to laugh and slur his words.

Kirishima had no choice but to give up, he knew Bakugo was a sloppy drunk.

"Hello Bakugo?" A sweet soft voice echoed out the phone.

"H-hello y-you're fucking hot! Everything about you is so hot and sexy. Especially your ass and boobs. You're so hot u-ur-uraraka." Bakugo hiccuped

"Well thanks..." she cut the call.

"You're such an idiot Bakugo. I think it's time you go to your dorm." Kirishima yawned, the dudes were all tired and they were about to pass out on their beds like no man's business.

"Whatever. I'm outta here!" He slammed the door.

He walked to Deku's dorm, and entered because he has spare keys.

"I think I should leave Deku-kun." Uraraka and Todoroki got up and left.

Deku's eyes were red, mascara dripping from his eyes. He looks drained.

"Dekuu. Give your daddy a kiss." He began to kiss his lips.

"Can you not see I'm not okay! Go shower and I'll explain after." He pushed him away  and began to cry.

Bakugo complied and finished with his shower, he was a bit more sober but still drunk.

"Drink this. It'll sober you up completely."

Bakugo drank it and it indeed sobered him up.

"Fuck! Agh my head." He groaned.

"You're a jerk Kacchan. I was with Uraraka when you called her!" Tears were filling up and some escaped the capsules of his eyes.

"Shit-I was drunk Deku. You know it's you I want..." He hugged him tightly.

"You're a liar...You were aware. I heard everything you said to her. You called her sexy Katsuki! Do you know how that makes me feel? Worthless. Like you can't acknowledge your boyfriend. I try to be your friend, you said I should make my own friends and said I can't play. You hurt my feelings, and I-I-I don't know how to feel about you now." He cried more.

"Stop Deku, I hate seeing you cry and it's because of me...." Bakugo's eyes watered a bit...and his voice cracked.

"Im sorry, I just don't want you hanging out with my friends...just because we are dating baby doesn't mean we do everything together. I like having bro time not with my boyfriend. And the Uraraka situation I was drunk. I didn't know what I was saying don't take it to heart." He stroked Midoriyas face.

"Kacchan. Just leave. I don't want to talk to you..." he opened the door and tears dropped.

He was lying of course he wanted to see Bakugo but his heart hurt too much that he couldn't bear his pain anymore.

BakuDeku One Shots (Sensitive Topics )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें