Chapter 106 - Missions: Toys?!

Start from the beginning

I sighed, my sign of giving up, and sat down, listening to Kin'emon speak, "Momonoskue and Three brave samurai, including myself, were headed to Zou before our ship was sadly destroyed. I, Momonoskue, and another samurai, managed to make it to Dressrosa."

"O-Once there, we... we were assaulted by Doflamingo." Momo mumbled next to me, "Panicked, I took refuge on a nearby ship, a dire mistake. There, I met some children being taken to Punk Hazard. Soon, I shared in their terrible fate, though I had no idea what I was in store for at the time."

"Surrounded, and quite desperate to chase the ship, I relied on the brave resistance of my fellow samurai, Kanjuro. He said, "Spare not a thought for me! Protect Momonoskue!"." Once Kin'emon said this, I noticed a few tears hit the table, as his head was hung low, "If not for his sacrifice, then all would have been lost. I simply cannot leave him to die!" Kin'emon sobbed, "I must return to save him!"

Franky and Chopper were seriously moved by the story, sending them as well into tears.

"Okay! We'll help you save him! No prob!" Luffy cheered, before Law raised his voice.

"That's enough! Stay focused! Stick to our plan!" Law barked, but of course, Luffy didn't listen.


Hearing Robin's voice pulled me from my train of thought, as I felt a stronger gust of wind blow past me, ruffling my clothes.

I stood up from the Crow's Nest and looked ahead, seeing what seemed to be an island, as I tried to swallow my fear. The island had massive boulders around its perimeter, and inside, the faint silhouette of a castle could be seen.

I come to the Crow's Nest to think, and it just so happens I was thinking of this island. Well, to better word it, what we will encounter on this island.

A factory producing Zoan-type devil fruits, a dicey trade deal, and a Warlord, not to mention whatever lackeys he has.

I gripped the edge of the banister around the Crow's Nest, when something hit me.

'Right, I never got a chance to speak to Law after the Phone Call with Joker.'

I rushed down the rigging as the ship docked near the boulders. Once I reached the bottom, however, Luffy jumped past me, grabbing my arm in the process.

I let out a worried yell as he landed on the ground, me landing on my stomach nest to him, as he let go and thrusted his arms into the air, cheering.

Zoro, Chopper, Law, and Franky headed down swiftly after, along with everyone else.

I kneeled, preparing to stand as Luffy turned towards the Sunny, "We should head into town and get a feel for the place first, right?"

"Uh-huh. But listen," I stood all the way, rubbing my nose and turning to listen to Law, "No unnecessary risks. If we fail to take out the factory, then our entire plan is ruined."

"Oh, hey! I just had a great idea!" Luffy said to Law, then ran to Nami and Momonoskue, on his left, "Hey, Momo!"

Law scoffed silently, as Luffy tried to make Momo fly, as he was in his dagon form, getting Momo to take Luffy into town, "Get off! I am not going into town! Also, I cannot fly! I am to stay here!"

"What'dyou mean you can't fly? I've seen you do it! Back in that garbage chute, remember?" [Luffy]

"I don't! I have no clue what you are talking about!" [Momo]

Luffy tried to convince everyone he flew, but truthfully, I didn't buy it.

"Surely I would remember that! And even if I could fly, I can't now! If I did, then... Then..." Momo paused, seeming to remember something, before getting very nervous, and sweating all over, "It matters not! The point is, I will never do such a dreadful thing again! I won't fly... You can't make me!"

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