511: The One Without The Arm

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I look around Toni as she lies in her hospital bed. "What happened?" She asks me. "You crashed, the infection in your arm got worse." I tell her. "No!" She says pissed. "Toni! You were going to die if they didn't." She looks at her left arm. "No!" She shouts. "No! I asked specifically that my arm wouldn't be amputated and you were the one to say yes! You ruined my life!" She yells at me. She jolts to move her right arm and sees her arm is restrained along with her legs. "I hate you!" She says with pure rage. "I know." I whisper. "It's ok!" I tell her. "I would feel the same if you had to make the same decision." I explains. She lies back. "I need my arm! My livelihood relies on my arm." She whispers calming down a bit. "If it was my right arm, I could figure something out! I can't play guitar chords with a stump!" She explains. "I can't sing, so I can't do that! I have no coordination and it's hard with one arm!" She says quietly. "Become a producer! All you need is a fancy set up and a big fancy midi keyboard! You can do that with one hand, it'll probably take a bit longer, but you are good at getting the hang of things very fast." I explain to her taking her hand. She smiles a little bit. "We can turn Jason's bedroom into one." I tell her. "You sure?" She asks me. "Toni! That room has been collecting dust for 10 years!" I tell her. She nods. "Shit! How am I gonna write! I'm gonna need physical therapy just for that." She says annoyed. "Occupational therapy! Not Physical." I correct her. "Thin ice!" I nod. "Sorry." I whisper. "I still can't sing!" She tells me. "I can." I whisper. She look at me. "You can!" She smiles. "I can borrow you when needed!" I nod.

I look at Toni as she awkwardly eats her pancake with her right hand. "I don't know how I feel about this." She tells me. "But I have to much dignity to ask you to help me." She adds. "We can be those annoying couples we make fun of and I can feed you." I joke. "No! But can you cut the pancakes? I can get the pancakes piece by piece and I'm not gonna figure out cutting today." She explains. "Do you want me cut foods like this for you until you can get cutting down?" I ask her. "Yes actually!" She says sitting up. I nod. I cut the rest of her pancakes and pass the plate back over to her. "You're a lot more possessive about all of this than you were when you first woke up!" I say quietly. "I'm still not happy about all of this but the initial shock has worn off." She tells me.


I look over and see bone popping out of my arm in 2 different places. There's dirt in the wound. "Toni?" I hear. "Cheryl?" I shout back. "Toni! Where are you?" Cheryl asks me. "I don't- I don't know! What's going on?" I ask her. She finds me. "Cheryl!" I sigh in relief. She comes over. "Toni! Your arm!" She says concerned. I look at it again and see the blood. "I don't feel good!" I tell her. "If you puke I puke!" She tells me. "Not- not tha..." All of a sudden I feel myself pass out. "Toni! Toni!" I feel shaking and see Cheryl. "What happened?" I ask her. I start to look over at my arm and Cheryl stops me. "Look here."

I wake up in a panic and sweat. "Cher!" I reach over to Cheryl. She slowly wakes up. "What's wrong babe?" She asks quietly. "Nightmare, don't feel like sitting here spiraling!" I tell her honestly. She looks at her phone for the time. "I've been asleep for not even an hour?" She says quietly. "I'm sorry." I tell her. "It's ok! Toni really! It's not the end of the world." She tells me. "I don't have any meetings until 10 tomorrow. And I'm working from home. So we can hangout." She says sitting up. "Thank you." I whisper. "Are you still mad at me?" She asks me. I look at her. "It was my arm or my life?" I ask. She nods. "I don't know, you kinda changed the trajectory of my life." I tell her. "But I don't know if it was for the best or not yet." I add. "In 2 years ask me the same question see what my answer is." I say quietly. She nods. "Fair enough."

I look at the studio that was Jason's room. "It's not as bright as I thought you'd make it." Cheryl tells me. "Dark and gloomy helps me focus." I tell her. "Does it or am I gonna see you asleep on this couch at least once a week?" She asks. "That too! But I'm at the point where I sleep when I can and so don't wake me unless you absolutely have to!" I explain. "Totally get it." She nods. "This will work out? I'm gonna be able to get clients and stuff right?" I ask her. "Toni, you have enough connections in the industry to make money off of this alone, and Fangs and Archie always are looking for someone." She tells me. "They're not getting Famous anytime soon though." I tell her. "You've got this babe. And also if all else fails, we can afford to live off of the money you've made and then also one income." She tells me. "True but music is my life." I say quietly. "Yeah and unfortunately Maple Syrup is mine!"

CHONI One Shots Part 3Where stories live. Discover now