405: The One Where Toni Owns Pop's

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I look at Archie as we walks into Pops. "Good morning." I say quietly. "You own this place and can make decisions right?" He ask quietly. I nod. "Can I talk to you about an idea?" He ask. I nod. "Sit, I'll get you some coffee." I say motioning to the counter stools. He sits down and I get him a cup of coffee. "What's up?" I ask him as I pour the coffee. "Keep in mind, I don't hate you but given the opportunity I would punch you in the face. So whatever you are about to pitch me, choose your words wisely." I tell him. He nods. "Ok! So Sketch Alley, has a not of homeless people who need food and water." He says quietly. I look at him. "If you find the money for supplies and you find the help, I'll be there with a truck handing out food." I tell him. "Really?" I nod. "Yeah. Also, I need an estimate of how many mouths I'll be feeding." I tell him. "And a set date and/or dates." He nods. "Thank you so much." I nod. "Technically you're a serpent so I guess I have to help you. As much as I don't like you also I owe it to Veronica and my childhood." I tell him. He nods.

I look at Cheryl. "He pulled the money together, and got the people, and days and time!" I say quietly. "Not that I didn't believe him. I just didn't think he'd actually do it. I can't stand him and this means working with him." I tell Cheryl as she massages my feet. She shrugs. "Well, he asked me to help out, so I'll be there to stop you from killing him." I nod. I smile a little. "I owe this to my younger self." I whisper. "If someone did the same thing, I'd be so grateful." I tell her. "So do it! Deal with Archie, print out a picture of his face and put it on a punching bag for later."

I look at Archie. "Thank you." He says quietly. "Be lucky the news is here because if not I'd be telling you how much I hate you right now because all you do is gloat." I say quietly. "I'm literally here helping homeless people! What about this is gloating?" He ask pissed. "I remember what you did senior year." I whisper. His eyes widen. "Who else knows?" He ask quietly. "Cheryl." I say quietly. "I could release it to the internet if I wanted too." I tell him. "What do you want?" He ask quietly. "I want you to stop being a huge dick and thinking you're better than everyone. We're gonna do this regularly because these people need to eat, but you're not gonna invite the local news stations ever again, and your paying for all of this." I say quietly. "Why are you doing this to me?" He ask quietly. "You were a dick in high school and now you're trying to make yourself look good and it's working, might as well actually try to change yourself." I tell him. "By blackmailing me?" He ask quietly. "I don't know what you're talking about." I say as someone comes over to the window. "What can I get for you?" I ask smiling. "Can I get a cheeseburger?" She ask quietly. "Want anything on it?" I ask her. "No." I nod. "Ok." I say writing down her order. "What about fries?" I ask quietly. "No." She says quietly. "You sure? It's all free." I tell her. "Can I get a pickle on the side?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Of course. Want anything to drink we got, soda, water, milkshakes. We're out of strawberry ice cream so it's only Chocolate, Vanilla, maybe Nutella and I think Cookies and Cream shakes." I explain. "What soda's?" She ask quietly. "Pepsi and Sprite. This truck only has a fountain for 2 types of drinks. We just brought our most popular." I say quietly. "We have coffee." Cheryl says getting into the trunk, Kevin holding a huge bag of coffee grounds. "Thank you Kev." I say taking it from him. "We have coffee." I tell the woman. "I'll have some coffee." I nod. "That'll take a while, i'll call you when everything is ready." I tell her. "What's your name?" I ask her. "Maria." I nod. "Ok, Maria, I'll call you when your food is ready, the coffee might take a little longer since it actually needs to be made." I tell her. She nods. "Thank you." I smile. "Of course." I say handing Archie the order. "Do you guys need any help?" Kevin ask quietly. "Can you guys help get food out to people?" I ask quietly. "We don't have a good system yet."

Idk what else to do this one

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