436: The One With the Project

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I look at Veronica. "So maybe we can go over to my place to work on the project tomorrow?" She ask quietly. "Sure! I have something to do around 6 so I can only be over for a little bit." I tell her. "We can do it another day! It's not due for another 2 weeks so it's not like we need to get it done now." She explains. "Oh! No! It's ok! Trust me! We'll just start it tomorrow how about that?" I ask her. "Ok!" She nods. I smile. "Awesome, i'll see you tomorrow then." I say before walking away. I go to the student lounge. "Hey Cher." I say sitting next to her on the couch. "Hey." She smiles. "Can I ask you something?" She ask quietly. "Yeah!" I smile. "This is just to relieve my anxiety and I'm gonna ask you the same question tomorrow." I nod. "Yes we're still on for tomorrow." I tell her. "I might have to pick you up a little later though. Veronica and I are starting that stupid English project tomorrow." I say quietly. "That's ok! How about you call me when you leave." I nod. "Also it's not a fancy date it's just a dinner at Pop's so I'm not getting all fancy." I smile. "You could wear a trash bag and i'd think you were sexy." I tell her. "Really?" She ask quietly. I think for a second and picture it. I nod. "Yeah!" I smile as she pushes me gently. The bell ring. "I'll see you later babe." She says before kissing me. We both stop and look at each other. "Ah..! No one's paying attention." She says smiling.

I look at Veronica as she walks me to the door. "So we'll pick up where we started tomorrow during our free period?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says quietly. "You ok?" I ask concerned. She doesn't say anything she just pulls me into a kiss. I stand there in shock for a second until I pull away. "Um... ahh!" I say nervously. "Oh my god!
I'm so sorry" She says panicking. "No! It's ok! I just in a relationship and it's getting serious." I tell her. "Oh my god!" She says freaking out. "V! It's ok! Seriously! You got it out of your system. You could have done that a little better." I tell her. "I like you, but not like that." I say quietly. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "There's someone out there for you." I tell her. "Like a blonde girl with a ponytail and a need to solve crimes." I say quietly. "You didn't hear that from me, i'll see you tomorrow." I say before walking out.

I pull into Cheryl's driveway and Cheryl's outside waiting for me. I take a deep breath as she walks to the car. She smiles and gets in the car. "Hey!" She smiles. I smile awkwardly. I don't say anything for a second as I think about my next move. "Cher." I whisper as I put the car in park. "There's something I need to tell you." I say nervously. "What?" She ask quietly. "Um... when I was at Veronica's, we kissed. Well, um... she kissed me." I tell her. "I'm not into her like that, I told her I was in a relationship and she understood." I explain. She sits there for a second. "How long did you kiss for?" She ask quietly. "I don't know, it happened so fast. It was longer than you'd like, it just took me a second to realize what was actually happening." She nods. "You told me. I know you have to finish that project with her, and I don't want to be that controlling girlfriend who says who you can and can't hangout with." She tells me. "But?" I ask her. "But as soon as this project is over, I don't want you around her alone." I nod. "Honestly, I haven't really talked to her outside of this project and other people so you don't have to worry about that." I tell her. "Also, you're a better kisser. But she was really nervous and I wasn't trying to kiss her so it's hard to tell." I tell her honestly. She smiles kissing me. "Let's go get dinner." She says quietly. "Are you ok with this?" I ask her. "No, but you told me the truth, Veronica didn't know you were in a relationship so she didn't know. So I don't have anything to be mad at you or her about. I don't like that it happened but it's not anyone's fault." She explains. "Don't go after her! I kinda feel bad for her." She nods. "I'm not going to." She tells me. "Really?" I ask her. "Well, no one really knows we're in a relationship, so that would be kinda exposing us, also Veronica doesn't know we're together." She explains. "Why aren't we really public about our relationship?" She ask quietly. "I don't know! We've been dating for a few months! I think we're getting serious." I tell her. "I haven't asked officially but do you want to be my girlfriend? Like officially?" I ask her. She smiles. "Hell yeah man." I smile. "Ok. And it's not  that I'm ashamed of you, it's just you're my first like relationship! I didn't really know how to function properly." She smiles. "Ok, you're the first relationship too, we're gonna fuck this up and that's ok."

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