480: The One At The Baseball Game

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I finish putting the shin guards on my son Jason's legs. "Jason, you can bat if you want but, no one is gonna go easy on you. Understand?" I ask him pulling the helmet on his head. "Yeah!" He says nervously. "We play with an actual baseball not a Wiffle ball like at home, so if this hits you, it will hurt! Especially with Fangs pitching." He nods. "Ok!" He smiles. I look at him. "Ok, so just like we practiced ok?" He nods. "Mom! I've got this. And if I don't it's ok! It's just a game." I smile a little bit. "Ok." I say handing him the bat and watch him walk to home plate. I watch Fangs get ready to pitch. "Ready kid?" He asks. Jason nods confidently. I take a deep breath. "He's gonna die out there." Cheryl says quietly. I take a deep breath. "He's got this." I whisper. I watch Fangs windup his pitch and throws the baseball at Jason. Jason swings his bat and hits the ball. "Run! Jason! Run!" I shout excitedly. We watch Jason run to first base.

I walk over to the table and put a milkshake on the table in front of Jason. I sit down at the booth. "You really showed Fangs!" Cheryl says smiling. "We're incredibly proud of you!" I say smiling. He smiles.

Idk what else to do

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